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Everything posted by Fornicator

  1. I like the Residence Garden and have stayed there 4 or 5 times and never had issues. I also never had any issues getting back at night, it might cost you 100 baht no biggy!
  2. Armageddon, I like Liv Tyler!
  3. I'm with Bigmick and MM on this one 2nd from the right!
  4. I think that London and all the subjects of Great Britain should be very proud over all for the 2012 Olympics !!!!!!!!! They ran like clock work and I enjoyed all 17 days !!!! I even enjoyed the closing ceremonies !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. 1.) I watched Alex Morgan head the winning GOAL!!!!! 2.) I PLAYED FOOTBALL/SOCCER IN SCHOOL 3.) You are just a homer 4.) The rest of the world watched USA win!!!!!! 5.) I only comment on things I know !!! USA WON 6.) All of the above
  6. Not sure why you think you deserved a better result against the GOLD MEDAL WINNING USA!!!!!!
  7. Thank you for correcting me. I knew that I was wrong after posting!!!
  8. Ah the gay blade guy from Rob Roy
  9. Congratulations to Great Britain 3rd in the medal count, very well done.
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