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Everything posted by Fornicator

  1. I have only used my Apple MacBook Pro, iPad and iPhone for the last three years, no need for a PC in my opinion!
  2. It might have been released for TV but I wacthed on HBO. As per Wikipedia The Hicthhicker's Guide to the Galaxy started as a radio comedy, then adaptations for the stage and TV and onto the Big Screen. Zoey Deschanel
  3. Cleopatra is a color movie and very goo d you should watch it you might like it!
  4. Looks like a very nice place. I had a great time in 2004 when I went to Knachanburi but I don't remember where I stayed!!!
  5. You have a great eye! I really enjoyed these photos and I'm looking forward to your next report.
  6. This was sad news for me because two of the best shows/concerts that I've seen were Dave Brubeck. The last time was in 1983 in Rhode Island. My brother in law's brother worked with Dave on music for the Catholic Church. RIP Dave Brubeck, you will be missed but you're music will live for ever!
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