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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by davethailand

  1. Yes mate, 15% off in the Blues Factory for addicts members with cards but not including staff drinks or during happy hours.
  2. Thats probably what i'll do, As for abuse yes possibly but we could always announce on the board if we decide to make them invalid. Sorry wouldn't happen, too cheap, with discount most beers will go down to about 110 - 115bht which I think is reasonable for a live music bar. Already given a discount for one of the Pattaya Expats Club (the one with Niels etc) I've contacted the other one and offered one also but had no reply, maybe if someone could show me the cards from both clubs I could give a copy to the cashier so she knows to discount it. I've also offered the same to Pattay
  3. Where? Thats what I want to do but i'm not wanting to hand them out on the door as I wouldn't be targetting the people that matter at the moment, the expats who some i'm sure are on a budget and don't come to blues Factory often, maybe a discount might change that and make it more affordable?
  4. I've been toying with the idea of some sort of discount card that the guys that live here could use in the bar but the main problem I have is who would want one and how many, could the members out there let me know and I can then decide how many to print and how to go about this. Cheers DT
  5. Also for sale- 3 moving heads plus controller.
  6. Various items for sale- Crown XLS202 amps x 2 Crown XLS402 amp x 1 Crown XLS 602 amp x 1 JBL Control SB210 Subwoofers x 4 JBL JRX118S subwoofers x 2 JBL control 28 speakers (white) x 4 (all the above have receipts) Soundcraft Spirit FX16 mixing board x 1 LED colour changing lighting with controllers Amway "Atmosphere" air purifiers x 3 (filters need replacing) Bar/ Restaurant CCTV system, 3 cameras, PC, flat screen monitor. Barsoft system for bar/ restaurant. Prices on request. :)
  7. 1130? blimey it starts at 8! I will have to be away from there by 10pm so i'll get there early.
  8. Mulphy, Keep me updated on the Ken situation and if Scott doesn't have any luck i'll get him down there for you as he'll need to inform me first anyway.
  9. No probs, i've sent him the thai no. He's just left a gogo that recent closed down, I would honestly hire him in a flash but I already have a head barman (he's better than a standard bartender).
  10. I know a very good barman, I will give him your number.
  11. It varies too be honest, sometimes we have groups of farang and thai women in. Normally punters bring in the russian birds quite alot.
  12. Update. Spoke to Glen Patrik at the bangkok blues festival and he will be joined on monday night by Jeff T from the Soi Dogs Blues band so don't forget this monday's jam night at the blues factory.
  13. The Blues Factory is proud to present Glenn Patrik live on stage on Monday 17th March. Glenn is the headline act for this years Bangkok Blues Festival and has kindly agreed to come down to Pattaya and perform for us.. This will be his only gig in Pattaya so don’t miss this only chance to see him live on stage together with his superb band. Glenn Patrik
  14. The hugely successful first annual Bangkok Blues Festival in 2006 featured artists and performers from around the world and Thailand including Bangkok, Pattaya, and Phuket, making up an impressive list that was joined by renowned guitarist and performer Glenn Patrik from LA. The festival boasted a full international flavor with players based in the LOS from as far afield as Scotland, Australia, USA, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, Denmark, Sweden, Thailand, England, and Ireland delivering three nights of blues as diverse as their various backgrounds and influences. The 2007 second annual Ba
  15. The Soi Dog Blues Band from BKK are playing at “Easyriders” on 2nd rd tonight if anyone’s interested. They start at 10pm and I’ll be popping up there at some point to have a listen.
  16. Boss Wood Classic model with slate bed top. (55000bht new) Not coin operated. Small stain on the cloth but otherwise good condition. Complete with Cues etc, Cue rack and lighting unit. 35000bht ono
  17. Bands are currently in BKK and will be down in Pattaya tomorrow. Don't miss this once a year chance too see these performers in Pattaya.
  18. Can't remember too be honest, (can't remember my last 5 posts let alone 2000.)
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