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Everything posted by Chester007

  1. YES.....I know what you mean. I've had more near misses with mb's than cars. At night the one light blends into the car lights. I would have all Motorcycles have a different shade of light so if they are in front of a car it's not blended as just the car.
  2. I wouldn't be able to send my children to school w/o me dropping picking them up
  3. Now that I'm here,i realize that the division lines on the roads are merely suggestions. I have also discovered that taking a motorcycle taxi is less dangerous than walking down these so called sidewalks/streets.
  4. Wow, great shots, just down the road from me...to bad I hear 6 calling me name or Walking again. First post of yours G, I understood every word you didn't say!!!!
  5. Not today or tomorrow, but let's review this in 5 yrs
  6. Crap, wrong link was used... I'll find the one that was suppose to be there. Could take a while as I forget where I was. Okay changed the link I'll get back to the Chinese later. Basically I feel the Military if they stay in power will clean up the area and Puckett a snippet from the article This explanation says the takeover has placed the police, traditionally at odds with the military, in some sort of frenzy amidst proposed restructuring that is likely to deeply disrupt the way the police have operated — both formally and informally,” says Thai political analyst Saksith Saiyasombut.
  7. I doubt CB is going to stay as it is....Click I feel this could be the start of a real clean up. Las Vegas did it. It's still a party place, however no where near how it was a few decades ago.
  8. Bangkok police raided CB a few weeks after Pattaya earned some tea money. Seems I might be coming to LOS at a good time, as I feel the climate is changing around the area of WS and BR areas. Click
  9. I booked her a while ago for Nov and confirmed last week, again prompt replies from Nam. The fact I know she has a good command of the English helps. I'll definitely include her in my tr when I write it.
  10. For me I'm not going to the Philippines so I'd never go on that forum. I came across it when I was on youtube with drunk females and this was on the side so i clicked it. Thought it was funny so I posted it here. I do apologize that my time is limited and only go on a few forums and not all forums that are on the net. Since you seem to have that luxury of time, I hope I can send you any further photos or Youtube clips to view first and let me know if it's been posted before on other forums.
  11. I think it's Manila. Beached Whale ashore drunk more fitting though
  12. Page 4 from Windsor Ontario Canada I'll see you in November!!! To get Page 1 in Google, you have to pay the big bucks or re-evaluate your use of Meta tags on your web site.
  13. I thought you only had to show the credit card when someone else bought your ticket using theirs?
  14. Might be an issue when they implement one Gateway for the internet.
  15. No freedoms will be breached though....BS I say. Thailand has now started it's own NSA/GCHQ Click
  16. First the Indian Diplomats re: jet ski scandal, now it's the Chinese asking about safety measures Click
  17. Just curious as to the situation of the jet ski mafia. Have they returned? Not targeting Indians? Does anyone know?
  18. My buddy left Tues to fly into BKK then to Jomtien, I haven't heard from him yet!!!! Hope he stayed in BKK for a spell first. Just did, he says "Barely at all I'm here. Streets are mostly fine now"...he's in Jomtien
  19. It cost them more as the NZD is down from 2 yrs ago. I wonder how much the tip was!!!!!!!!!
  20. You need to take a chill pill dude. Your reply is over the top. I for one am only making light hearted posts. Until now no one was calling anyone arseholes until one replied.
  21. I'm talking about re- enter with my other passport. It's obvious you can get out as these two did with the same one if you're quick enough.
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