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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Montydog last won the day on December 7 2011

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About Montydog

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    Elite Poster
  • Birthday 05/13/1963

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  1. Mick & Ron sorry your both ill I’ve been sick as a dog since getting back from Pattaya a week ago, wonder if it’s the same thing. I just thought it was a bad case of the “airplane flu“ I get most trips due to the air con. Ah well a week off and lemsip and whiskey on the menu.
  2. OP do you do a Airport to Sihanoukville service and if so what price ?
  3. Good job E.P and yes the girl is very cute and with a good heart, just nice to be reminded that there out there sometimes.
  4. Cool I land on the 2nd , thanks for the prompt reply.
  5. Anyone know if it’s on in Pattaya cinemas yet? Would probably be the first time me and a TG would be happy watching the same thing.
  6. Must admit when I first read the headline I thought “oh another duped tourist” But turns out that it was a charity event actually looked like a lot of fun and if I had been in town would have stopped by for sure. Also well done the team who re donated there prize money back to the cause. Another stereotype busted.   Read more: http://www.pattaya103.com/pattaya-ladyboys-take-over-260000-baht-at-local-hotel/
  7. Nice move EP, not there till Friday or I would be in.
  8. Yes be nice to know where this place is G, seems nice food at a good price.
  9. I see his sponsors are dropping him now, maybe he just took the “Just Do It” slogan to literally when first offered the go faster juice? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/othersports/cycling/9614878/Lance-Armstrong-dropped-by-sponsors-Nike-following-insurmountable-evidence-in-USADA-report-that-he-doped.html
  10. Of course you would TJ, of course you would :ninja:
  11. We obviously have a gastronome in our midst.
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