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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by hillbilly

  1. see porn looking hot as usyal, shes gonna get some cock for xmas, nice pics adam
  2. loved to have got porns birthday bash but dont arrive till 20th. spoke to her on phone today and wished her the best as u can never get them on the phone on birthdays as beauty salons take over. porns one of the good girls as many BM s will agree
  3. another good idea, a free BF is better than nothing. where exacyly are u. those that dont like the idea dont have to drink there.
  4. a free barfine is a lot more than 95% of bare are giving at the minute. its up to you where u drink and how much u spend. any bar owner will try and keep customers drinking in their bar as long as possible and try and get them to spend their money. its a hard game and i wish anybody well who has the balls to try what many of us would love to do. but i believe a good bar has to make the punter feel welcome and comfortable so that they keep comming back. the girls have gotta have the right attitude towards us and keep the guys drinking without pressure. this is a hard act to follow and their are
  5. your motives are right but any one that runs up a 50000 bhat bill deserves a free barfine anyway. i think its a bit steep but then again if your gonna spend that money u aint worried to much about the barfine. your heading in the right direction anyway with ideas and its just a matter of getting the right balance
  6. jesus man i love your topics SQUIRTERS waterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  7. really sorry i missed this this year as i find it a fantastic night, the girls look stunning and genuinely put a lot of effort and time into their hair and costumes. great pics adam you truly made my night
  8. love this sport and so do a lot of thai girls. had one asked me to watch her pee pee, as she was peeing lay back and pissed in the air overherself. she then asked me to pee on her while she played with herself. had one sleeping with me drunk and she pissed th bed and on me drunk while sleeping. got upset when i told her what she,d done, but i told her no problem as long as she done it again in the morning. i woke up to find her squatting over my belly peeing and laughung. so long as both parties are happy then no harm is done, have never forced or made a thai girl do nothing she did,nt want
  9. this is what i like to hear, a guy who is willing to listen to the punter and try and sort any probs out. good on you
  10. have a taxi from sabai inn meeting me at the above date, anyone wanting to share give me a pm
  11. forget as it aint wrth the hassle, i agree the principal at stake and all that. put it down to the joys of pattayas experiences
  12. i know sizes are 45cm x 35cm 15 cn, and no liquid etc but how tight are they with bag size
  13. hi lads, just picking anyones brain on this one who has just recently travelled from uk. i know the sizes are 45cm x35cm 15cm, and the liquid issuse. how strict are they with sizes
  14. i,ll be there as santas gotta empty his sack somewhere
  15. got thai with airline network for £455 from heathrow flying out on sept 24th
  16. humid hot, could never stay were theres no pool
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