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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About bigl

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    Junior Poster
  • Birthday 06/11/1950

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    Sale Victoria Australia
  • Interests
    Travelling Asia.And having a few drinks on the way.

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  1. Yes, only 150 days to go. I'm planning well ahead.lol. I travel to Thailand once or twice per year for a month each time. And always plan ahead. Cheers, Bigl
  2. Can anyone please advise me? If there is a mini van service from Pattaya to Don Meuang airport? My son and I need to get to BKK , so a good cheap taxi service or mini van service We will need to check in about 1pm. We will head to Cambodia to miss Songkran Thanks in Advance, bigl
  3. I was searched once travelling in from Hong Kong. I had a duty free bag stuck up on top of my trolly..The uniformed agent virually ran up to me and said How much Whisky you got. You travel alone??? I had 2 x 1ltre Bottles of Chivas Whisky. I was travelling with a chinese lady friend but she got caught short by having to go take a pee. Luckilly she turned up just as I was going to try and explain the situation. So it seems they are worried about you bringing in over the duty free quota, Cheers n Beers, Bigl
  4. That thought has certainly crossed my mind. And my mind as well. Last April I was staying in a hotel in Soi Bukaow (sp)? There was plenty of rain and lots of slight flooding everywhere. Well I picked up a bug in an open wound on my left foot. Within 2 days I was only able to crawl around. I had developed Cellulitis. (the third time in my life.) Very farkin painfull. I changed all my holiday plans and flew back to Melbourne that night. My loverly Thai wife met me at the airoprt and we took a taxi straight to Epworth Hospital in Richmond, Melbourne. I was admitted straight away and wa
  5. Hello Everone, was told of a good seafood restaurant down somewhere in Jomtien. Known as = Leung Wang or Uncle Wangs. Was told= It’s a beauty –right on the beach Does anybody know of, or heard of this Restaurant? Please help Cheers, bigl was quoted.....
  6. G,day Pete, Will be back for a few meals n drinks next April. Last April when there, had a great time every night.Especially great service from a staff member by the t\name of OR Loverly lady great service. Cheers n Beers, Bigl
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