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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by journeyman

  1. I'm afraid he is a bit too sophisticated for my taste
  2. The main advantage of the in room safe is that when you arrive back in the room with your dish of the day, it's simple to put any cash/cameras/cards etc in the safe while she is in the shower. that way there will be no misunderstandings/thefts. Most girls can be trusted but you may hit on a wrongun.
  3. While the wife of a friend of mine was working at whipps cross hospital in london as a trainee nurse, a woman was admitted with severe abdominal pains. THe xray showed a number of rusty batterries in her snatch. This wasn't the first time this had happened. The belief is that this makes the orgasm stronger when she wanks.
  4. "No. They are not all bad. But I have yet to have a good experience with British guys(especially young" Have you ever considered that this may be due to your own inability to have a good experience.
  5. Surely the smell arising from the drains on second road must give some idea of the quality of the water being flushed into the bay. I have allways thought that wading through flood water around there, especially if you have any cuts or sores below the waterline, must be like playing russian roulette.
  6. How long before some ladyboy pickpocket, or other thieving low life decides that adopting the burka could be a good career move?
  7. If I wanted to dump some damaged or counterfeit stock, I am sure Thailand would be the ideal place. Much better to bring them from home whenever possible.
  8. Back in 2001, when I was involved in a website selling condoms, there was a lot of counterfeit durex about, and I do mean a lot. They were absolute shit. Maybe it's the same now.
  9. I think i've seen her on the simpsons.
  10. " It was 35mm Alcohol to 100mm " 35 millimeters of alcohol to 100 millimeters of blood ???
  11. I use dormicum, cost about 600 baht for a strip of 10 or 12 from a doctors surgery opposite the vault in pratamnak road. I go out like a light somewhere over eastern europe and wake up, regular as clockwork, over the east coast of india. no after effects.
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