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Everything posted by lostinspace

  1. Your kidding ,gee you have it good. and why not before you go in to the deep end.i hope you have a good excuse.and yes those dates are good for u at the moment. good luck you will need it. paul
  2. Hi naughty,,,we will still be in OZ on holidays on the 16th,oct.we return 22rd.so sorry to say jan car'nt get you . thanks anyway paul Hi DB,email if you could i have someome going back on the same flight,who will probaly share. thanks paul Hi DB,email if you could i have someome going back on the same flight,who will probaly share. thanks paul
  3. If you see an TT.T van around pull them over,,,, and with a little sling,,, they will get u a line 2500,[offical].[sling 200] max internet... keep there mobile no for if you have prob,again ring them not tt.t and sling them when they come.then all u have to worry about are the normal black outs and stopages in pattaya. good luck paul
  4. bigorange1 your PM,DID NOT GET TO ME ,treid PM,email back ,,came up error. email me on my signature below. thanks ..paul
  5. Hi stger...yeah 24th is OK WE COME BACK 22ND at night do a day to recover. no prob just email me please with details when you have them....catsmad222. sorry my laptop is playing up.catsmadat yahoo.co.uk paul
  6. yes its dead and buried,so is the cowboy,or maybe just renovting that
  7. only if you get the time and date are right
  8. I race and train in pattaya ,compared to OZ where they give u no room on the road,they do here ,cause there are so many motorbikes,if you want to ride around in traffic and check out all the sois , best time if no hangover,is in the morning,cooler and no traffic.....all u need is something from a department store,and as the boys say,give it away or store it at your hote,l they let you.....for next time . if you want to train there are great trails[off rd] on the other side of sukunvit hwy,or you can stick to the road,its safe,but dont forget the punture kit and pump.and a GOOD bike. if any
  9. 6.30am at the latest, peak hr traffic is murder.thats for take off 10am
  10. Well deadman have you done the deed or are you still coming on the 2nd/9. i have not seen u post much,i thought u must have teid the knort. paul
  11. Jan and i are going for a look a the new airport sunday to check things out. maybe there will be restictions,or special passes,who knows. we will be coming down in price with the same service.i will work that out next week. as for the mini van idea,it would be good for thais who are based at the airport ,cause they pay a couple of million baht to have the licence. but not a joe blow. and to be fair to MR toom he is based in bkk,so he still has to do the same ks. we are in pattaya,so a little shorter for us. coming back to pattaya last week it took 1hr 40min,from the turn off to the n
  12. Hi Al...sure am. sorry late getting back to you my area [24hrs more] is down and i am in a cafe. thanks paul
  13. Hi knorty boy. Thanks for thinking of us . I could arrange it for you,the only thing is i wont be here to double check on things he speaks good english and has near new cars. The new airport is suppose to open on the 28th/sept.but they may use both old and new till they sort things out. it will also be a cheaper ride.they are having an open day next week.so we will work prices out then . if you like that idea email me at catsmad@yahoo.co.uk paul
  14. THANKS Van05 Just to let u all know we will be on OZ from the 25th/sept.till 20th/oct,new visa and holiday,family etc, so we not be available ,i will be checking the emails everyday for bookings while in OZ,and will be still taking bookings, everything still the same as original post,except beer and soft drinks,water free,and cold in esky, the 4 door ute is still going strong now 10 months old,so plenty of room for what ever,we do have a back up company we can use if over booked,[new cars and mini van] but only in an emergancy as we like to keep the bizz low key,with just jan and me[les
  15. I have been lucky its only nearly happened twice both times they did not cancell so i was trying to email them ,and post a theard,for confirmation after firm bookings ,,they never answed either.i said nothing thats bizz but kama got them back for that,sorry to say one fell off his motor bike broke his ankle,the other got in a taxi from the a/port,got ripped off and said it was the ride from hill [something to think about while growing up] Its nice to be nice
  16. What Alan said is all the right way to do it , i did mine 2 yrs ago and have been back for a 5yr renewal ...when i idid mine 1st time my OZ photo lic was enough anlong with the add of the condo i was renting,any add is fine as long as you have the paper work after immag, they dont care if you drive [no one dose] it is a hard place to find thats why u take a thai who has been there before if poss. but i'll try ...follow sukumvit all the way to the overpass turn right to rayong and bkk follow the hwy go about 5ks its on the otherside up a soi if you go pass the school[i think st andrews]
  17. Take non immigrant O.go to jontiem soi 5 immag.have 2 photo copies of your passport,visa O,departure form,and your doctors report.[about 200 to 300b.plus 400 at immigration, and pass/p photos ,,if you have an international LIC. or current OS LIC,which i got mine on,you dont have to do the test,if not you'll have to do the lot [drive test and written, etc]. you can and must take you car or any car to do the test.same with the bike. when you go upstairs grab a green form fill it in .but first grab a no. the little shops opp who take your photos and photo copy will just about do anything for
  18. I tried to witherspoons this time for the 6 seat comfort,great meal to start,and a bake dinner at the end, if you want one,i normally go with the sportsman,and they are both on on par.back by 2.45pm, or as the boys say make a holiday of it,somewhere ,with or without the mrs if you have one. then again you may be on a budget.
  19. Good on ya deadman ,i am glad to see you are all set ....your QR 612 flight comes at 7.15am terminal 1 ,as for your depature you always make me shake my head and laugh ,,cause you hate leaving,and dont. not many people do like leaving the LOS.we'll work that out later.jan said to say hello.and wondered if you had done the deed yet. thanks mate .....paul
  20. Good to hear from you deadman, yes jan and sasa are great,my brother sent me some photos of good waves in phuket ,so i hopped a plane down with my board... but as soon as i got there the wind rain and clouds came for the whole week so i went body surfing.good fun and a great place. i hope you are well and let me know when you are set. seeya ...paul
  21. Just to let you know we are still going strong. people have been emailing me and not putiting it through the forum,and the thread has gone backwards. I just got back from phuket through Utapao,Jan picked me up. but for the unwary the trip from utapao to pattaya is 1000baht for 1 to 2 people. for a car ....3 or more they make you take a minivan...1600b. its nomally about 600 to get there, for those interested bangkok air do it for 5800b ret. on the net from utapao,weds ,and sundays.only,,,,nok air 3600b from bangkok [net] everyday.. both with tax's included. we do it boths ways for 600
  22. Big cheif you have got the sheep joke mixed up with the kiwis, as for the roo's,, rather eat them... besides their tail is too big . unfortunatley you are right about the drugs. and the rain, i love it when it easy's off a bit i'll get on my mountain bike and go off rd and come back coverd in mud,,,,i love it here no fences,and the people are friendly. we came back from Pak Chong yesterday and saw at least 8 trucks and vans in ditches or upside down. if anyone wants to drive here,the right lane is for fast cars,if you are not passing cars they pull you over,say 200 baht for the drink f
  23. Well its pissing down now,it will stop start all the time during the day,and its nice and cool and brezzy.and its like this most days.and loving it thanks for the laugh dismorning boys its a good change, some people have a different form of wit, specially aussies stay cool cause thats what it is now. in the every chagneging pattaya
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