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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by lostinspace

  1. I love the rain it has kept the lakes full this year,no water shortages,it cleans pattaya up and its cooled the summer down ..now i have to cut the boodly grass cause the rain makes it grow to quick, AH its great in paradise,i love it
  2. when you get home next time be ready for an even bigger come down, after being in pattaya. welcome.
  3. HI Joe,yes i now leave as a singniture on my posts...catsmad@yahoo.co.uk and thanks...pat.mad
  4. You nailed it cookie.... spot ON .....great advice
  5. That hotel is opp the nautical in soi 11 crn beach rd.if i go past today'ill call in and ask for a fax and phone no....no promises though.
  6. Hi db74. we pick/up at any hour or at least jan dose.jan has a pick up at around 10pm on the 7th june wends.and the 6th at 11,45pm.so i am sorry to say we can not . why i said the 6th because when you book and it is after midnight ,,,as when you are coming ...for your sake and the person who picks you up tell them...EG. arrive the night of the 7th june wendsday at 1 am thursday morning. i have not missed anyone yet because i double check on the early morn arr time and date and its an easy mistake to make. jan and i run our small bizz so we only have the one car,and it has worked well that
  7. All the above posts very good advice,and its helps if you have a permanent drinking hole with friends or mates[permanents]so when you do need someone other than a TG they are there.not evernight though...and stay active,run ,walk ,bike,what ever. and live longer in paradise
  8. yea she dose look good.i like to call in a listen to the music and relax with jan and say hello to mon and porn.
  9. the lek is a good option for that price...new pool and cheap buffets all day, and a good location
  10. pattaya park has a 50 mt pool on the right before you go in to the park. dont know the cost. the nautical soi 11 has a 20mt pool.good to do laps.....i use to when i stayed there
  11. Thats fine deadman....1.30pm it is. are you getting hyped up and jumpy yet and time going too slow. seeya ..paul
  12. There is good and bad in every city. if you asked a 1000 members living here or been here on holidays have they seen anything bad happen,it would be a small percentage to say yes,including me and i been coming for 18 yrs and now live here. you see more getting killed riding the big bikes around half pissed or showing off if you are worried get a hotel close to the action
  13. good on ya deadman. catch up with later,we are having a late summer here ,a coldie goes down very very well
  14. the OZ dollar is now around 28.50 at the booths.up more please budda
  15. Hi deadman yea the 15th/6 is fine ,i''ll book you in if you change we will work it out later. thanks paul jans looking forward to a good laugh with you.
  16. Hi Logan...and welcome. Again all the above posts have given you great advice. belive me you will never regret it ...just dont fall love ...but you will, with pattaya. you will shake your head when you get here and say so this is heaven
  17. the exchanges here are only giving 27.65.or round about . and yea i was getting worried too
  18. thanks scumbag , dont tell jan will ya .its never my fault .thats 3 beers now i owe ya. and nits tits are still big and thankyou turbo . my line been down for 2 days but back up now . yes all done turbo. paul
  19. try .....jeps bungungalow.com its 1200 baht with big breakfast for 2,,right on the beach or fan room 500, great place,but take a girl,or chill out
  20. If you want new ,,sandy springs,a lot of my mates stay there too,they always ask for the floor where the pool is,,very nice rooms,the nautical as the boys said are old around the pool but have just been done up,the tower of the nautical is newer and nicer rooms at 800 a night, just pick a hotel and have a look around when you get here..the main thing is to get here quick,check in quick,have a tub,and go on the prowl.the girls dont care where they stay as long as they can sleep,and have a remote in their hands. good luck.
  21. this is their fax if you want it ...nautical... [66]38 428116 ...phone 66.38 429890 and ask for a room in B block around the pool.700 a night
  22. this is their fax if you want it ...nautical... [66]38 428116 ...phone 66.38 429890 and ask for a room in B block around the pool.700 a night
  23. The boys stayed in the standed rooms for 1250 baht a night the rooms were very nice with adsl. if you want me to book for you email me at catsmad@yahoo.co.uk with your real name. seeya ...paul
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