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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About ArcticCat

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  1. A little bit of Bourbon Street by Beach Road.
  2. I've been away too long. I don't recognize any of them. Gotta correct that problem.
  3. Congrats on you birthday, HA. One of my favorites and always worth about 10 visits a trip. Can't wait to see Waw again. Plan to drop in mid October. Hope your next year is a lucky and happy one.
  4. I like it. I'll visit in October and bring some friends. I look good with green.
  5. 12 hours to launch. That's only 0.5 days.
  6. Move your dates up. Get to Pattaya before your luck runs out.
  7. Okay, let me see now. I can't make the first one. I'll be enroute. But I can be there for the next one. And the next! And the next!! And the next!!! Oh, Yeah!
  8. Well, let me check my calendar. Oh, it seems I'll be in Pattaya this weekend. Hell, yes, I'll drop by!
  9. Alright! A birthday party! I'll be there to wish you the be best.
  10. Only one month left until I return. Thanks for the motivational pics.
  11. I'm missing all the good events. Chris, I am definitely going to visit your fine establishment in February.
  12. It's very close to where I'll be lodging in February. I remember the sign but... well, so little time, so many places and girls to see. It's on my list now. Thanks for the info.
  13. OK, you convinced me. I'll drop in my next trip. See ya in February!
  14. Welcome, Shane! Always good to have a new BM that can provide us with info. And is in Pattaya most of the time.
  15. Thanks, Robin. Catz never fails to impress. Got to get back there. Good pics.
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