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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About kdc1899

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  1. you were perfectly clear but the local part is difficult (beachwise). rent a house with a private pool. dime a dozen in Patts
  2. again not local If price is no object then the N/E or N//W sections of Koh Pi Pi have what you want. You may want to ask in the Thai Visa forum (genaral topics and Pattaya section). This site is filled with folkslike me that don't have the baht for private beaches because we (I) spend all our (my) baht on thai hookers. T.V. has folks with baht
  3. not local, but, Koh Chang has that. I'm sure Koh Samet has that. Koh Si Chang (Sri Racha) may have that.
  4. Not in Thailand. Buddah is the God here.
  5. kdc1899


    Sir, Since you are asking; You need to get that gal in line. How did she manage to procure your funds? " she explained that they need it " Who is THEY ??
  6. I've only lived in Thailand for 5 years. I'm slowly but surely getting over how poor most of these folks are. I used to tip 100% for haircuts ( the total price wouldstill be 300% less than where I come from). Now it's 25% (75 baht all in). I've stopped tipping at KFC (never could get anyone to take the tip). It's been near 20 years since I've seen a full service gas station in the U.S.A. . " I just tell them not to tie their shoe-laces in a revolving door. " (:
  7. My word! Pound for pound; that's almost 200% the going salary for a gal in that neck of the woods whose best option is being a maid. Don't pay that much. Give her at most 4k baht per month plus room and board. Pay her once per month. Do not give her advances in pay. Give her zero days off. If she stays for 3 months then give her a 5k baht per month for the next 3 months (25% raise). If she stays another 3 months; marry her.
  8. Did you say something? I can't stop looking at your avatar...
  9. Steak, potatos, Steak, pizza, pasta, chicken Steak, salad, Steak, S T E A K
  10. Great paint job. Congrats on finding thai men who can work hard and break little. Does the boss have any sisters?
  11. Your other option is getting a letter from your embassy stating that you have monthly income of at least 40K baht. Once you have that all you have to do is report every 90 days ( do not need to leave the Kingdom and you do not need any balance in a Thai bank).
  12. kdc1899


    That's your answer Sir. All she has to do is go to the hospital in her Amphur. If they do not have the capability to treat her she will be refered to the provincial hospital. There she will get all the help she needs for less baht than a cafe latte. This is the only answer. Do you have dental insurance?
  13. I have not found a self service gas station in Thailand. Every time I get fuel I tip the person who filled the tank (weather they clean the windows or not). Usually 20 baht (65 American cents. Fuel more expensive here than in America.). The Thai gal by my side always gets on me for tipping at the gas station. Anyone else tip when someone fuels their tank for them?
  14. why dont you just quit your job and return to thailand and be with her here? You could teach english in her village and make about 30k baht per month. That's like 5 times the monthly salary in her part of thailand. Tell her all that I just told you and see what she says. Then go from there. GL
  15. sizzler is pretty good if your in the area.
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