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Hello guys,

I have never golfed before. I was thinking of giving it a try. Would everyone who is behind me get really mad for taking such a long time? Just wanted to know what everyone thinks about a newbie at golf holding up the course.

Thanks Easydude. :clap2

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With all due respect, the worst thing you could do for yourself is make your first attempt at golf a round on a real course. Notwithstanding that you won't have any idea how to swing a club, you also won't know anything about course etiquette, and in most golfer's books a playing partner's etiquette is more important than his skill level. Not knowing how to play, you'll find it an exhausting and frustrating day. So, I'm afraid, will the people you're with.


My suggestion? Since you have almost 6 months before this tournament, go buy yourself a starter set of clubs and take lessons; maybe take a multi-session group class for beginners so you will be with other people in the same situation. Then practice regularly at a driving range, working on whatever drills the instructor has given you. When you're feeling fairly comfortable, try playing at a par-3 course, i.e.- a course where all the holes are short par-3's, and if you don't know what that is then all the more reason to follow my advice. As your departure date approaches, see if you can find what's called an "executive course", i.e.- a somewhat longer course with a mix of par-3's and short par-4's, and try getting some rounds in there.


It's a great game, one I've been playing for 41 years, but you can ruin it for yourself by walking out onto a course with zero knowledge and experience.

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Good advice indeed Mescalito.


I would add that when you step up to playing on a 'big' course go out in the afternoon, say 3 p.m. and play 9 holes with some patient soul who can give you few pointers on etiquette, strategy, etc.


Good luck, everyone's a beginner once, some of us still are.. :clueless

Edited by Dungheap
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I love taking new golfers out. They miss the ball, hit it inches rather than 100s of yards, hit it in any given direction - and a few that simply don't seem possible. Usually they get fed up and pissed off after a few holes and start hacking at it.


Then, after a bit, they connect with one properly and it soars out there down the middle or, they drop a putt in from 30 feet or so. You can watch the light dawn in their eyes and, from that moment on, they're a golfer. I think that a religious conversion must look like that.


Then they spend a lot of cash on clubs and every Saturday for the next few years trying to hit that shot again!



On a more sensible note, you've been given good advice here, take a few lessons to set the basics before you develop bad habits - and BEFORE you buy clubs, you'll have a much better idea of what feels right and works for you after a lesson. Then go out with a mate in the quiet time, I'd like to say that all golfers are helpful and tolerant of beginners and high handicappers but it doesn't always work that way. Golf certainly has less than it's share of arseholes but it does have some.


Oh yeah, and be prepared for your partner to have a quiet chuckle, beginners ARE funny. If you can laugh with him you're half way there. Sooner or later he'll give you something to laugh at too. :finger

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  • 2 weeks later...

Go at the end of the day and be the last on the course and their should be no problem. Personally, I would not want the pressure and disatisfaction of a foursome playing behind me. Would you?


Rockin' Jerry

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Yep have to agree go out and learn a bit about the game, take a couple of lessons before going onto the real course. Maybe spend hald an hour on the driving range when you first start to learn.


Nothing more frustrating IMHO than playing a game a golf with some newbie in front who holds every one up, doesn't repair divots etc...




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  • 1 month later...

Easydude. Iv'e never played a round of golf in my life. Theres a whole bunch of assholes out there that say you should get experience before playing, but none of them will put their money where their mouth is and take a newbie out and show them the ropes.


I'm ready to kick the the ol plastic ball. Will you be there in September.? I'll pay my money and if anyone behind me has a problem they can go complain to the CEO of the Golfing Association of Snobs.

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Short has the right idea, ya wanna get you and 3 other non golf playing guys. Shit load of beer and BG who don't know how to play and then make sure you tee off RIGHT BEFORE the FLB guys. :ang2 Guaranteed you will have a fun day. :D :D :D


I would recommend riding in a different van as you might, just might get clubbed to death on the way back.


Just a joke guys. :D

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Take a lesson or two then go out with a friend who plays. It is NOT how good you are that makes the speed of the game. You can suck and still play quickly.


The problem is that many golfers don't know or care how to play quickly.


Some examples:


Cart golf: Players refuse to walk to the ball.

Fix: One player take the cart while another grabs 2-3 clubs and walks to their ball


Ready Golf: The rules of golf state that the person farthest from the hole puts first.

Fix: If you are ready and your partner is still thinking, go ahead and hit.


The Mope: This guy does not even think about puting on his glove or taking out his driver until it is his turn. THEN he take 15 practice shots and lines up 3-4 times. Finally he hits and is not happy with the shot. Now he takes a Mulligan (second shot..illegal).

Fix: Be ready to get up and play when it is your turn. Don't over think things. Just hit the damn ball!


Get off the green: Some guys will discuss their score or pay up bets for the hole while on the green. There will be people waiting to make their next shot.

Fix: Get off the green when you are done using it.


Play through: Allow faster golfers to jump in front of you at the next tee. They will be very thankful for this. If you are less than a foursome, you can also ask them to join you. They may end up playing faster and leaving you behind, don't take offense, they may just enjoy playing quickly.


Walking fast on the course will keep your heart rate up:) Two guys walking will often play faster than two on a cart.


Buy a book on golf. Something like Golf for dummies. It will help.


I suck (but I don't swallow). No one, that I know of, minds playing with me because I play fast. In fact, some of my friends are very, very good and they would prefer to play with me because I play by the rules and play quickly.


Don't worry about your score. Most golfers don't even know how to keep proper score.



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The Mope: This guy does not even think about puting on his glove or taking out his driver until it is his turn.


Damn I like this guy, he even practices safe golf. :unsure:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Easydude, Over a six week period I took 3 individual lessons and practiced about 20 times prior to my first time out on an par 3 9-hole course. The result - won $20 off a friend who had been playing for years.


I would recommend practicing at a driving range with grass rather than plastic mats. You'll get a better idea of how you're striking the ball. On mats the club will bounce into the ball so you don't really know when you hit 3 inches behind.


Maybe set goals for graduating to playing on a course, i.e. when you can hit the ball in the air consistently with your 7,8,9, PW.


Good luck and enjoy the game.

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