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I'm not sure where your hotel is, if it is the one in North Pattaya, you could walk down to the junction of North Pattaya Road, and Beach Road, and catch a Baht Bus ( thats the local name for a Songthaew ) and it will only cost 10 Baht per person, to Walking St/Bamboo Bar. And its about 1/2 mile or so. Make sure you get in a Baht bus that already has passengers in. If you get in one that is parked up, the driver will assume you want him as a private charter/taxi, and will charge you 100 Baht.



Edited by thechairman18
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You are on holiday, but still can't resist shopping ?

From your hotel, (you said it was the one I suggested ), get on to Pattaya Beach Rd as before, walk along the beach road, until you come to the

"A One Royal Cruise Hotel ", on your left hand side. You cant miss it , its in the shape of a cruise liner. Turn left onto Soi 3, walk to the top to Pattaya 2nd Road, and right opposite is Big "C" shopping mall. The biggest in Pattaya.

Have a good one.


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I've not stayed at that Hotel. I stayed at Diana Inn corner of 2nd Road and Soi Diana, opposite the rear entrance to Mike Shopping Mall. Double room, air con, nice pool and full b/fast 750 baht per room for 2. Nice place, quiet, visitor friendly, :beer and handy for everything. Going again next week


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  • 2 weeks later...
Don't worry about the distance and time in Pattaya. Just take a baht Bus for 10TB.

Due to a lot of price hikes on diesel fuel this may get you into an argument with one of the famous surly drivers. :D


I am not sure what the 'official' prices are of late, don't see any off those signs on the buses saying the fare should not be more than 10 baht now.


My thought to cover the rising fuel cost..."make the locals pay the damned same price" doesn't seem to have been taken up! :wanker

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