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Medical Insurance in Pattaya ????

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Anyone know of medical insurance for long termers in Pattaya.

Damned if i want to get a 12 month travel policy but would just

like medical cover.


Any thoughts ???



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There are several insurance policiea available for farangs in Thailand.

BUPA-Blue cross is probably the best known, a 1 Year contract will cost you between 15000 and 50000 Bt a Year, depending on your age, condition, and maximal amount of coverage.


here's their Webpage with Details.



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Compare the cost and cover between BUPA-Blue and what you can buy in Australia. I do not know what the Thai policies cover you for but the starting cover of 300,000 baht on their web site is not enough.

In Aus ACE Ins and Accident & Health International have good covers. They are travel policies but you can reduce the travel component to a minimum and get $1,000,000 or unlimited dollars medical cover.

Don't go through a travel agency but get a General Insurance Broker to check out the market for you.

I am a Broker so if you want to PM me your details, name, address, when travelling, how long etc and your email address and I will get some quotes for you. No promises as I have never done a 12 month cover but its worth asking.

Edited by Shit_Happens
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A one year travel-insurance will typically cost 6-7000tb in Norway. Covers everything health related and lots of other stuff. I'm sure you have something sililair where you come from. Why would you need a seperate medical-insurance?

Edited by Toto
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Policies like the ones offered by BUPA make sense only when you have no insurance in your home country, i.e. for expatriates.

For those who come here on a long trip, but still have valid health insurance at home, there are other possibilities like travel insurance with world wide cover, as Shit happens has stated correctly.

Wether you pay upfront and get reimbured later, or the insurance hadles everything first hand, is depending on a lot of issues, including the hospital. This might happen with all kinds of insurance ....



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I just got insured w/Bupa in pattatya. I am 52 yrs. old and got the platinum plan with 2 million coverage. It was 37000 bht a yr. PM me if you want my agent..great guy who speaks perfect english.



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  SunnyValentine said:
Policies like the ones offered by BUPA make sense only when you have no insurance in your home country, i.e. for expatriates.

For those who come here on a long trip, but still have valid health insurance at home, there are other possibilities like travel insurance with world wide cover, as Shit happens has stated correctly.

Wether you pay upfront and get reimbured later, or the insurance hadles everything first hand, is depending on a lot of issues, including the hospital. This might happen with all kinds of insurance ....



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My health maintenance organization here in Philly told me they would cover all expenses when I travel. I have to pay the bill. Translate it into English and they will reimburse me 100%.

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  ericg1953 said:

I just got insured w/Bupa in pattatya. I am 52 yrs. old and got the platinum plan with 2 million coverage. It was 37000 bht a yr. PM me if you want my agent..great guy who speaks perfect english.



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Not trying to flame you here but for 37,000 baht for 2M baht cover is not that much cover. 37,000 is Aus $1233.00 which I would expect to spend, (maybe a bit more) to get Aus $1M (30M baht) cover under a annual travel policy.

But with the travel policy you do have to pay it first and if its a going to be a big amount they usually have to have it approved first. This is no hassle as the good companies operate a 24 hour emergency assist service.

A extended stay in a private hospital in Bangkok could soon use up your 2M baht cover.

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Well thanks everyone

now im more confused than before lol

Considering my last stay in BPH was 2 days and 53,000bht it is a judicious move on mypart to find some local insurance, But $1200 AUD is a bit steep i must say, however i will contact those who were good enough to offer some suggestions to have a chat about the range of their policies.

again many thanks to all who responded.



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  aqua4 said:
But, I am told the Travel Insurance does not settle the hospital. You have to pay first, they pay you later? :rolleyes:
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Correct, aqua


I've just spent 2 days in the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital (I'll go into more details in a different post at a later date) which ended up costing me around 32,000 baht. I had to pay this up front and will have to reclaim it from my travel insurance when I return home (for a mere 2 weeks).


I now need to get some permanent health insurance set up here and I will certainly be checkoing out what BUPA has to offer.



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If your availability to funds is not great, I recommend that you get the insurance through BUPA/Blue Cross. It is cheap compared to having to ante up for the hospital bill in advance. I had a cardiac scare a couple of years ago and it cost me $750.00 USD out of my pocket for 24 hours in the CCU Unit. Fortunately, I had the funds available on credit card but if I had a longer stay I may have been in some trouble. My personal insurance reimbursed me 100%....but not until I got home, filed the paperwork and then waited another 30 days for them to get off their arses.



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  Shit_Happens said:


Not trying to flame you here but for 37,000 baht for 2M baht cover is not that much cover. 37,000 is Aus $1233.00 which I would expect to spend, (maybe a bit more) to get Aus $1M (30M baht) cover under a annual travel policy.

But with the travel policy you do have to pay it first and if its a going to be a big amount they usually have to have it approved first. This is no hassle as the good companies operate a 24 hour emergency assist service.

A extended stay in a private hospital in Bangkok could soon use up your 2M baht cover.

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Be very careful in comparing these figures.

The deal with BUPA here in Thailand is that they are your only medical insurance, as opposed to a travel insurance upgrade for your already existing insurance back home.

So, those of you who consider a loooong holiday in Thailand, while still keeping their house, insurance and tax responsibility valid back home, a travel insurance from a company back home is the way to go.

Those of us who decide to live permanently in LOS and therefore loose the medical insurance cover from back home, should take a look at BUPA Thailand.



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I am very satisfied with BUPA - it really is something to consider for people lingin in Thailand. For Tourists (even longer time) it may be different. BUPA for example has arrangement with a load of excellent Hospitals where you only have to show your Insurance Card and the Hospital will settle the Bill directly with the Insurance...no advance requested.


Can't say anything bad of them, they also covered all bills for the birth of our daughter (though naturally that is an extra option and has to be chosen well in advance).




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