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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Interested what to do all day?

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Hello all, new to this one as you can see, I am relocating over to los but am stuck as to move to pattaya or phuket, i think pattaya better for price for me, i am wondering what you do during the day there, i was thinking about buying a cheap bar just to keep me occupied(not for profit) , i am just looking for ideas as phuket is really looking to expensive for a full time live there, Also to add to best breakfasts i saw the advert on cable of crazy daves, any 1 been there, i couldnt find the place but would appreaciate any one who knows where it is..

Regards to all

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Crazy Daves go the bottom of Soi Diana (opposite Mikes Dept Store) turn left 10 yards on your right is Soi Chaiyapoon go up there its halfway up on your left.


As to what to do all day......................sleep. :D

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I do alot of walking about 5 miles a day I would guess there is Swimming and TV theres a bunch of things you can do also clubs to Join Though I have not But keeping active is #1 Then there is always another board member to hang out with in town.

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  SoCalGuy said:
I am curious how you are swinging the move with regard to the necessary visa? Please clue me in.



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I am getting a years multiple business visa and will just renew it every year, not interested in residence as they would never give it to me anyway. Thanks for the info on crazy daves i am looking forward to testing his breakfast, the advert on tv cracks me up, i reakon he is a right chap! Any of you chaps know about owning a boat there? i was thinking of geting a cheap one to mess about on and fish off etc, is there mooring in pattaya?

Cheers for the replys all its all good stuff.... P.s anyone renting out a bungalow or condo for upto 10k a month i am interested..... :clap2

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I am curious how you are swinging the move with regard to the necessary visa? Please clue me in.
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Getting a 1 year Mulpty entry is no problem I gave Ting Tong the info on how to do it and it was done you don't have to be 50 you don't have to get married PM me if you want the details.

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Since I moved to View Talay, I tend to spend the morning down by the pool and try to get in a 1 hour continuous swim in that time.


Trying to learn to speak the language takes up a bit of time in the afternoon 3 days a week, plus trying to learn what I've just been taught. Also on days when I don't have any language lessons I try to take a walk along Jomtien Beach for at least an hour or so.


I'm also thinking of taking up bowling, but that will have to wait until I get back to Pattaya next week and I get a few other things seen to.



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Hi alesypalsy I dont usualy give places a bad review but I have been in crazy daves place 3or 4 times and after the first time i never bought his sausages again as they were not to put to fine apoint on it SHIT the worst sausages I have ever eaten (so bad i took on small bite and left the rest)the rest of his food was OK and I even enjoyed his black pudding (I am very picky about black pudding)but the service was not great but the apple crumble and custard was good.

Just opposite crazy daves is a great curry shop with the best curry (IMHO)in pattaya its called NeeRoys and is run unsurprisingly by Roy and his lovely wife Nee who come from Yorkshire and Nee learned to cook indian style in a yorkshire

take away so it is authenticly english curry you might givr them a try if you are in the vicinity you will not be disapointed in quality taste or the remarkably low prices (I have no interest in this or any other business just loved the food)


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Cheers for the advice sinbinjack i do love a curry, Funnily enough you mention sausage being bad i had the same problem in british pub soi 4 bkk about a month back, i had sausage egg an chips and the sausage was terrible, i took 1 bite and it was full of fat offle type crap,, so tough it couldnt be chewed, put me right off my meal, but to give the man a break he didnt chrge me for the meal and i ate all the chips an egg so fair play i spose, just wouldnt order it again! Still like to hear what you get upto all!!

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You can just hang out with your girl that you met last night. Go see movies, read a book, grab a bite, visit peaceful beaches in Naklua, take a day trip to Bangkok (to help you appreciate Pattaya even more), take a boat trip to a neighboring island, etc.


I've said before my routine is the same almost each day I'm there (and I did this for 6 months straight!):


wake up, have sex, shower, eat, swim, surf the net, more sex, shower, dinner, movie/read, more sex?, sleep.

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  morrisf said:
wake up, have sex, shower, eat, swim, surf the net, more sex, shower, dinner, movie/read, more sex?, sleep.
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wake up, too bad!

have sex, pay her with her own money

shower, Why? You'll never be clean

eat, You look like you've eaten enough

swim, Head for the motors

surf the net, How many times have you fallen off the board?

more sex, Do you pay her this time?

shower, If you hold a toaster you can get cleaner

dinner, oh! the "I forgot my wallet" trick I suppose

movie/read, You can read?

more sex?, 3 ladyboys in one day - a new record!

sleep. The world is safe for a few hours

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Geez, you guys that have to have a plan.... I don't have a bar, I don't play golf, and I hit the bars only sometimes. But the days and nights seem to take care of themselves, and I am having a ball. Having a great gal helps. Oh yes!


Little Roy :clap2

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  sinbinjack said:
I dont usualy give places a bad review but I have been in crazy daves place 3or 4 times and after the first time i never bought his sausages again as they were not to put to fine apoint on it SHIT the worst sausages I have ever eaten .
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He gets them from Big Joes and your right there bloody terrible...........i bought some in Friendship a while back they went straight in the bin. :beer

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Hi alesypalsy I thought of another thing and thats quiz nights if you enjoy them at home then you will find that there are plenty in pattaya and its a great way to make friends, the ferry to koh larn is only 20 baht each way and the beaches there are a lot better than pattaya or jomtiem a real cheap charlies day out, there are all day fishing trips that are not very expensive run by some bars from 350baht(on soi7 near beach rd there is a bar that is either 3rd or 2nd last before you hit the beach with a sign outside who goes every thursday at 930)

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Excellent stuff, i am geting more relaxed about the big move, I was really thinking was i going to make a mistake by going but what the hell is going on in blighty? nothing but the usuall and all i do here is dream about being there!

See you soon chaps!

One last bit of advice i am looking for any one know of nice place to rent at reasonable rates? not to far out from centre but tic tak bar area is ok if anyone knows of any places please let me know as i am sick of looking at on the net, been looking for weeks.

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Guest Winston_Churchill
  alesypalsy said:
Excellent stuff, i am geting more relaxed about the big move, I was really thinking was i going to make a mistake by going but what the hell is going on in blighty? nothing but the usuall and all i do here is dream about being there!

See you soon chaps!

One last bit of advice i am looking for any one know of nice place to rent at reasonable rates? not to far out from centre but tic tak bar area is ok if anyone knows of any places please let me know as i am sick of looking at on the net, been looking for weeks.

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if you go in stars in your eyes bar bottom left on soi 7 ask for john from wigan,jeff the boss will point him out hes in there most nights,he lives cheap enough in pattaya up on soi buakhow..

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  alesypalsy said:
Cheers for the advice sinbinjack i do love a curry, Funnily enough you mention sausage being bad i had the same problem in british pub soi 4 bkk about a month back, i had sausage egg an chips and the sausage was terrible, i took 1 bite and it was full of fat offle type crap,, so tough it couldnt be chewed, put me right off my meal, but to give the man a break he didnt chrge me for the meal and i ate all the chips an egg so fair play i spose, just wouldnt order it again! Still like to hear what you get upto all!!
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Me and the wife where in nana a couple of months ago and talking sausages We went into jools on soi 4 the best sausages i've tasted in thailand .THE TICKET!!!!!!!!!!!


Also try those's gaint ham and cheese croquets beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.



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hi guys,im an aussie coming over from the 2nd sept.been to patong a few times looking forward to staying a few weeks and kicking back filling my days in with whatever takes my fancy,anyone wants to hook up for a beer or ten let me know,going to stay at the acrea seems like its a common spot lol.anyone know what they charge for bring backs?


nice board, hi to you all!!

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Hi stumper,


I assume you are referring to Areca Lodge. No charge for overnight friends. Original ID required, quick bit of paperwork on which is stamped free of charge and away you go. 2 breakfasts also included in room rate though you will hardly be thinking of that at the signing in stage. :D


My condolences on events at Trent Bridge. :rolleyes:

Edited by growler
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Here's some ideas for day time stuff, from my web site:


-Diving--From beginner to experienced you'll find plenty of shops around.


-Fishing--Deep water available from operators.


-Golf--15 (18)-hole courses within one hour of Pattaya City. A 9-hole course five minutes away!


-Bowling--Three different alleys, all with organized leagues.


-Go-karting--Two competition go-cart tracks near Pattaya.


-Mini-golf--Thai girls LOVE playing! Two courses in the area, one at Beach and Central Roads in central Pattaya.


-Movies--First run, Western films with English subtitles. Two nearby theatres, one inside Big C Shopping Mall the other inside Royal Shopping Mall. And CHEAP at 80B!


-Various clubs--Several clubs meet regulary around Pattaya including the: Rotary, VFW, (2) different Ex-pat clubs, Bridge club, etc.



My site's at: http://www.retire-to-pattaya-thailand.com

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  alesypalsy said:
Hello all, new to this one as you can see, I am relocating over to los but am stuck as to move to pattaya or phuket, i think pattaya better for price for me, i am wondering what you do during the day there, i was thinking about buying a cheap bar just to keep me occupied(not for profit) , i am just looking for ideas as phuket is really looking to expensive for a full time live there, Also to add to best breakfasts i saw the advert on cable of crazy daves, any 1 been there, i couldnt find the place but would appreaciate any one who knows where it is..

Regards to all

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I think you will find that Pattaya over Phuket has more to fill your days.


Phuket for me was boring, and the girls had an attitude problem. I went in March for a month but went back to Pattaya after 2 weeks for me the place 2nd rate.


I lived in Pattaya for six months until August this year. Allthough there were many things to do it did get boring and routine the same as anywhere.


One thing I will mention though, I did a lot of research before going, prices per month etc, but it did not prepare me for the true cost of living in Pattaya, which was way beyond what some people will tell you.


For a decent condo in a safe area, living an average lifestyle without going into all the breakdown it cost me to live normally £1,200 per month and I would advise anybody intending to live in Pattaya to budget around £15,000 per ann.


I know people will tell you you can live for peanuts 40 50 60 thousand baht per month, but in reality they have a very simple cheap lifestyle living in a dodgy area.


My advise would be to live for a month as a trial run then work out your own costs.


Hope this helps someone.

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im definently going snorkelling for a day and playing golf for another,what are the must do see things in pattaya in there for 7 days at least three will be nothing days after a big night :cussing

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Big Robbo,


Sorry mate, don't agree with you .

I spent 3 months last year in Pattaya and had a very nice time on £1000 per month .I stayed at the Dynasty and Areca Lodge - not dodgy areas in my opinion.

If you go to go go bars EVERY day, tip like mad, and eat in expensive restaurants every day, of course you will spend more .

On a longer term, I think we all have to slow down a little, after the first 3 weeks or so anyway.


I know guys who spend a lot more, but believe me, you can have a lot of fun on £1000 p/m if you are sensible.

BTW, this just covers my bills in the UK, with NO FUN at all . No brainer!



happy hunting all.

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