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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Thanks for your help MM. The picture was too big but I figured out on my own how to fix that.


This was from my trip to Clarenceville, Quebec to visit Harris' cottage and talk to his neighbours.



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  Soi7 said:
Seems you have become friend's now going to visit the cottage and all. :nod
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Actually, I've become friends with his family and neighbours. They like him as much as I do. The picture above is actually his uncle's cottage. This one belongs to Harris and his family. (just practicing posting pictures).


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If harris did something to you or a family member that's too bad but that being said how bad could it really be You know where he lives so I am sure they could find him also. so if they had something on him would they not pick him up and charge him :chogdee2

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  Soi7 said:


If harris did something to you or a family member that's too bad but that being said how bad could it really be You know where he lives so I am sure they could find him also. so if they had something on him would they not pick him up and charge him :D

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The word "obsession" springs to mind :D

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  davethailand said:
Fucking Harris again :clap2

Come on Suitcase this is getting boring :clap2

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The pictures were to piss off Harris, not to piss off anyone else. They prove that I always know where Harris is and I would love to beat the shit out of him, but that's not my style.


Soi7, This is not about what he did to me or to my family. My daughter got her money back so that is over and done with. This is about what he is still doing to other innocent young women. The police here are pretty lazy and incompetent and unless I can hand him to them on a platter, they can't seem to do much.


Dave, obsession is only when it interferes with your normal life. Perhaps you play golf for 4 hours, well I don't play golf, so I use that time to track Harris. It has become my hobby and I don't do anything half-assed. I do it 100% or I don't do it at all. That's not obsessive, it's doing a job well.


That being said Dave, I understand that the Harris subject could be boring for many of you so, no more Harris talk until he rears his ugly head again on this board. He is already back but I'm waiting for the right time to expose his new identity.


"One man's passion is a pain in the ass to others!" (I don't want to take Skytroopers place)



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suitcase: you are a stalker regardless of your reasons. if stalking happened to my wife or daughter or any woman for that matter, your ass would be in jail with big bubba up your ass. get a fucking life you idiot. you're presumably a middle aged man following around some kid. i've watched all the videos on your website of harris. go take care of your chubby kid and bang your wife instead of getting heated over someone for 4 years. :chogdee2

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  suitcase said:
The pictures were to piss off Harris, not to piss off anyone else.  They prove that I always know where Harris is and I would love to beat the shit out of him, but that's not my style.


Soi7, This is not about what he did to me or to my family.  My daughter got her money back so that is over and done with.  This is about what he is still doing to other innocent young women.  The police here are pretty lazy and incompetent and unless I can hand him to them on a platter, they can't seem to do much.


Dave, obsession is only when it interferes with your normal life.  Perhaps you play golf for 4 hours, well I don't play golf, so I use that time to track Harris.  It has become my hobby and I don't do anything half-assed.  I do it 100% or I don't do it at all.  That's not obsessive, it's doing a job well.


That being said Dave, I understand that the Harris subject could be boring for many of you so, no more Harris talk until he rears his ugly head again on this board.  He is already back but I'm waiting for the right time to expose his new identity.


"One man's passion is a pain in the ass to others!" (I don't want to take Skytroopers place)



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Although i have to say Suitcase that I truly believe that he is on this forum still! :D On this thread also maybe? :unsure: (i think so)

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  terrybollea said:
suitcase: ...if stalking happened to my wife or daughter or any woman for that matter, your ass would be in jail with big bubba up your ass...
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Harris: I AM BIG BUBBA and you're not even in jail yet and I've been up your ass for 4 years. You'll never have a wife or daughter (not legitimate anyway).


I have two binders of info on you. Why am I not in jail yet? It's because you can't do shit! Your idle threats make me laugh. It's a good way to start the day; thanks.


Now you've gone and told everyone who terrybollea really is. I was hoping I would have had the pleasure.


Sorry Dave, the psychopath has reared his ugly head.



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I wondered what the go was, when I read that 'Terry Bollea' was wrestler Hulk Hogan's birth name.


Other than that, neither of you, or your issues, are of the slightest interest to me.


Cheers, Lemons

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  davethailand said:
I'd sussed out terrybollea earlier today. :beer
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I had an idea he was back a few days ago, the way his posts started to change!!


No doubt he will be hounded off and then pop up again. :chogdee2


It's more fun than 10 pin bowls.



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For those who might be interested,


Terrybollea/Harris Black attended court in Montreal on Friday September 23 and was found guilty of Theft. He was ordered to pay a fine of $200 and to serve 1 year probation.


The judge also mentioned that Harris didn't look credible, his story wasn't credible and that "I don't believe a word that you've said here today". :P

Much the way many of us on this board feel about his bullshit.



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That probably means he's on his way back to Pattaya now!!



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  raykaytat said:
That probably means he's on his way back to Pattaya now!!



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Not too sure about that! He's on probation for a year; must be available to the courts at a moments notice. If he heads back to Pattaya during his probation he would be wise not to return to Canada.


Does anyone know if terrybollea/harris has been turfed from the board again or is he just being quiet since everyone knows who he really is?


........or is he now posting as "Stumper"? :banana



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