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Bringing 11 Yr Old Daughter

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I have so many frequent flier miles from all my trips to Pattaya, that I have enough to bring my Daughter and my Mom to Thailand for free. Of course we will stay in Jomtien instead of Pattaya, and my Mom is very open minded.


I'm looking for activities, and trips to take my Daughter. Somehow I don't think she'll be too thrilled with Walking St :clap1 . She loves animals, and particularly monkeys, so I wish I had time to go to Phuket, but I don't.


Any suggestions.

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so don,t go to Walking street then.

Take her for daytrips to a croc farm,elephant show etc. etc.

Jomtien has nice restaurants and you can try some of the bars at soi whitehouse.

most have pooltables,nice friendly girls and have a relaxed profile.

Ofcourse she has to sleep early,mom becomes grandmom and you,r off to walking street. :clap1

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Hi make sure that you take her to the Elephant village just out of town IT is a great day out and you help to support the village people and elephants, The Sanctuary of truth is supposed to be good ,with dolphins you can feed and stroke, mini Siam ,where you can see all the sights in one place and not have to waste your time travelling there is a water park whose name I cant remember but is supposed to be fun for the kids and a day trip to the island of Koh lahn is a great day out as its quiet and beautiful beaches(Samea beach is best IMHO)are much better than the mainland ones, The Aquarium on sukhumvit rd,and the shopping that women, no matter what age, can't resist

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I would recommend the Pattaya Park Hotel. Your on the beach and they have a water park. Your away from the nite life but easy to get into town. I've stayed there with my daughter twice and she liked it. So did my wife. :D

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Pattaya Park is a must and definitely take her to the Sriracha tiger zoo. www.tigerzoo.com Where else in the world can you hold a baby tiger and feed it with a baby bottle. IO take my t.g.s there and the look on their faces are priceless. Also have the Scorpion queen there. She has about 50 scorpions crawling all over her white dress. Places a few on you for the picture with her. I will be doing it again with a farang babe and my t.g. or 2 again this trip. later Doorman

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If bring your Mom and Daughter should be fine as you can do the family things during the day and after dinner With Mom watching your daughter you can turn into Super Monger Remember they have only 1 childhood spend as much time with them as possible :D

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Remember they have only 1 childhood spend as much time with them as possible :nod

Before they discover the wonderful world of boys and she gets her drivers license. :D Mine got her's this week. :nod

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Before they discover the wonderful world of boys and she gets her drivers license. biggrin.gif Mine got her's this week.




Yea know what you mean Bought mt daughter a car before I came over and yesterday was her 21st birthday they grow up fast :nod

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Thanks for all the great tips. I didn't know about the Tiger Zoo. Is it really possible to feed a baby tiger. My Daughter would be in heaven.


And yes, at night Mom will be babysitting while I head to Walking St. with my 2 brothers.

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Sriracha is great. I brought my family there a few years back. My daughters were 10 & 14 or so at the time I think.


Just remember that liability is not the same there as here in the states. I didn'tt mind letting my kids take part in all the activities there, but it's all on you if the tiger takes a nip out of her. (seriously).


In front of the zoo, they have many animals available for photo ops, you pay a little bit for each one. I think it was like 40 baht or so(?)


Here's one of mine with a leopard as an example:




and as a bonus, you'll see some cute thai gals there like this one from the croc show:



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Take a boat trip to "Monkey Island", I don't know it's correct name, but it is a lot further than Koh Larn. When the boat arrives lots of monkeys come running out into the water to meet the boat. The island is very short of drinking water so in addition to bunches of bananas take some bottles of drinking water. Half empty them so they float, put the tops back and throw them towards the monkeys. Some monkeys can open them, others just bite through the plastic to get at the water you can get some great photos.



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Take a boat trip to "Monkey Island", I don't know it's correct name, but it is a lot further than Koh Larn. When the boat arrives lots of monkeys come running out into the water to meet the boat. The island is very short of drinking water so in addition to bunches of bananas take some bottles of drinking water. Half empty them so they float, put the tops back and throw them towards the monkeys. Some monkeys can open them, others just bite through the plastic to get at the water you can get some great photos.



Great assistance to the environment, filling the place with chewed up plastic water bottles !


Bad idea.

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Is it really possible to feed a baby tiger. My Daughter would be in heaven.


If you want to keep her in heaven ,there,s also a possibility to swim with dolphins in Pattaya.

It,s not so welknown but it,s close to sanctuary of thruth.


Better i will place a good link,also lots of other info :D :D


The link to the dolphions say they stopped with swimming because of maiden season but you never knowif it,s old or not,otherwise bring cash :bow






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If she loves horses, you might want to check out a place called Horseshoe Point. It's some sort of high end (for Thailand) resort combined with a riding academy. They have horse shows and probably give individual lessons.

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Wow. Thanks for all the info. This is going to be a better trip than I thought. And I thought that Pattaya ended at 2nd Rd :bow .


I like the idea of Monkey Island, but I thought it was in Phuket or Phang Nga Province. Is there another one around Pattaya.

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Take care with those fucking monkeys,they can really be bad to the bone.

Heared many stories of tourists got bitten. :bow

This is the kind of BS and generalization we don't need on this forum. And the term "fucking monkey" is offensive, please call them "bargirls" instead.

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Swimming with dolphins is not a good idea actually due to the fact that humans can pass on infections and disease.


Better to look and marvel rather than endulge a desire at the expense of exploited animals.

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Great time for family.I have four daughters that live in bangkok,the youngest is nearly three years old.Every time I come to thailad,we don't even stay in bangkok,we go straight to pattaya,for a month .My mom has made the trip seven times three times bye her self,and she is no spring chicken. we stay on soi 2 @ sabai lodge .They have four pools and staff is very family friendly.All the sugestions that the posters have made are great, been to most. koh larn is the favorite of my girls good day away from pattaya. Godd luck, and enjoy. should prove to be a lasting experience for all, mom and daughter, one they should remember for ever!!!

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Every year I take my daughter. She is a lot younger, only 4 last July. But during the day we have fun doing not only a lot of the things mentioned but you can also take in a movie in the afternoon. Play a couple of rounds of Mini Golf which is on Beach Rd Nth of Hard Rock Cafe. Have a game of Ten Pin Bowling, there are a couple in Pattaya. Jet Ski's and Banana Boats on Jomtien Beach. Well after all that you will deserve a lay down in a deck chair on the beach while she does her thing, say getting a henna tat just to freak out your Mom.

Have fun

Edited by Shit_Happens
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Wow. Thanks for all the info. This is going to be a better trip than I thought. And I thought that Pattaya ended at 2nd Rd


With all the Ideas you have gotten here not only should you take her with you but seems you will have to extend your holiday as well :eyecrazy

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