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Getting a Thai driver's license

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What is required of Westerners to get a Thai driver's license? I understand a passport, three to four copies of the passport, equivalent number of copies of Visa, a medical certificate, and three are four 1 inch by 1 inch pictures is required along with a certain amount of cash, and a driver's license from one's home country. I've also read that a letter or document showing one is staying in Thailand for a prolonged period of time is also necessary.


I just got the medical certificate. The Dr. told me the rules are always changing. She also indicated that it might be a good idea of giving under the table money (to avoid written exams and driving tests I presume). I have documents showing I've bought a condo I can produce. I am currently licensed in the states to drive both a car and motorcycle. Since I am living in Pattaya now and will not return to the U.S. for nine months, I am thinking of not going through the step some recommend of getting an International drivers license first. I would like to avoid taking a driving or written test however as I am not too well versed in Thai driving rules such as it's okay to drive on sidewalks, or against the flow of traffic or to aim one's motorbike right at someone's vehicle that has the right away in order to take his lane away from him.

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Hi, My experience of drivers licence in Pattaya is as follows: No1. there is a lady who sits in the parade of 'shops' opposite the licencing office who will help you facilitate getting your licence, this is completely normal practice, when we changed the ownership docs of our car the little man from the garage took us to the same lady and she did all the running about. I don't know how much it cost but the whole thing came to under 1000bht so couldn't have been anything to worry about. She will advise you about tea money no doubt.


Don't take photos before you go to the licence office because they insist that you use the photo facility in the same parade of shops.


The lady in question did say that if you have an international driving licence you do not have to take any test, otherwise I thought you have to take a wriiten 30 question job. I believe you have top do a colour blindness test.


You need, A letter from immigration attesting to your residency status, ( it is possible a chanute will do but it is not what is actually required and could cause problems) you get this from Pattaya Immigration at Soi5 Beach Road Jomtien., copies of your passport etc which the lady can do, a medical certificate 100 bht no problem from any clinic, your licence and I would recommend international driving licence, and some dosh.


I didn't actually succeed in my mission as I forgot about a medical certificate and only a Chanute though she was going to try with this she did not know whether it would succeed.


Let me know if I've forgotten anything !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Some time ago now but passport, two passport photographs, medical chit, clearance from Immigration, house book, UK driving licence. I think that was it. Was shown pics of double yellows and asked if I knew what they meant. Pointed out that we invented them. Had to take written multiple answer test, pass mark 25, have as many goes as you like. Had questions like can a monk have a driving licence, can you drive a tracked armoured vehicle on Thai roads! Who cares? More Thai lunacy. I got 24 and then 23 before I decided that I had better things to do.

Early the following morning I turned up again full of resolve and told the nice young thing i/c testing that I would stay all day or until they ran out of paper. She said that it would not be necessary, I had passed and my licence was waiting to be collected. WTF? She then told me that she lived close by me, was 23, never married, and no kids. Wow! Jackpot. She then added that the people working in the office were not very well paid.

I collected my 12 month licence and offered 1000 baht. The change when offered was 5 100 baht notes fanned out. I took four and Kop Khun'ed all and sundry.

Following year just turned up with old licence and got a five year one in return. This is a big advantage when dealing with cops as they then know you are not a greenhorn and may well know all the rules. ( Some time ago BKK traffic cops were tested on motoring law. 45% failed! )

I will draw a veil over what transpired with the young lady official to protect the guilty but banging her in her uniform and medals was a big turn on.

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When I did the test, one of the questions asked what a driver should do in a situation "shown in the sketch opposite". Only problem was that they had omitted to include the sketch! I ticked one of the boxes at random and must have hit luck as I passed! (That was the only luck I had - I didn't get a date with a cute examiner!)

Incidentally does anyone know what you should do if you are going to be out of the country at the end of the first year - when you are eligible to apply for the 5 year licence. Should you apply early ie, before the year is up, or wait until you return and maybe risk losing out because you didn't apply soon enough?

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Incidentally does anyone know what you should do if you are going to be out of the country at the end of the first year - when you are eligible to apply for the 5 year licence. Should you apply early ie, before the year is up, or wait until you return and maybe risk losing out because you didn't apply soon enough?

You cannot apply for the 5 year license early. You're not eligible until you've had your one year license more than a year. So, you drive to the licensing office on an expired license!


Another case of TIT B)



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Note that when you are going for your five year renewal, previously you didnt need an immigration letter. However, when I got mine a couple of months ago, you did, so had to come back the next day. You dont need doctors certificate for renewal. When I applied the first time, I had an international licence for car/motorbike. took me 48 minutes to get both licences.

My mate didnt have int licence, he was there for nearly five hours. Had to do written and practical test and watch a one hour "safety" video. Bit of a laff as he had never seen anyone driving like they did in the video.

I also took the correct size photos with me both times and had no problem getting them accepted at the counter.

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There is a good discussion of this subject on the Pattaya City Expat club site. It has step by step instructions. Also in the Expat section in the member's forum.


Best and easiest way to get your license is with an International driver's license and also you can't get it with a Tourist Visa.



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Seems to be a "hit and miss" procedure. When I applied for a licence last May I had an international driving licence - and a 1 year retirement visa - but I still had to do the written and practical tests. Also I had the correct size photos with me but I still got sent across the road to get the identical ones they sell there.

However, don't let this discourage anyone from applying. The tests aren't all that difficult ( though some of the questions seem a bit daft as mentioned above). And they don't seem to be applied too strictly - in my experience. When they were testing whether I could distinguish traffic lights, the sun was shining in the window in my eyes and I could barely see the lights - let alone distinguish the colours. They seemed either slightly red or slightly green! After I had got a few wrong the girl said "Mister, there is yellow too" and then she gave me a few more tries, presumably until I got the necessary number right! The whole procedure took quite a long time - I made the mistake of arriving when they were having their lunch break.

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Today I took my lady's Nissan NV to the wonderfully conveniently sited Drivers Centre to pay the Road Tax and for the vehicle to be examined at the Test Centre opposite. (It's just had it's 7th birthday)

The test consisted of a young lad taking the frame and engine ID, presumably checked against the info they already had, and me paying 150 baht. Period. No checking of all the ball joints, emissions, headlight focus, wheel alignment, brakes, lights, indicators, condition of load bearing components or floor pan.

Back to the Centre, waited 2 minutes, paid 600 baht and collected the necessary.

All in all took 20 minutes, nobody asked for a tip or complained about low pay. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Still shaking my head in wonderment. TIT

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