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I recently read that love is entirely a matter of chemistry. That must be why my wife treats me like toxic waste.

- David Bissonette


When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her.

- Sacha Guitry

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After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin; they just can't face each other, but still they stay together.


By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.

-- Socrates


A happy marriage is a matter of giving! and taking; the husband gives and the wife takes.


Woman inspires us to great things, and prevents us from achieving them.

-- Dumas


The great question... which I have not been able to answer... is, "What does a woman want?

-- Freud


I had some words with my wife, and she had some paragraphs with me.


"Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays."

- Henny Youngman


"I don't worry about terrorism. I was married for two years."

- Sam Kinison


"There's a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking. It's called marriage."

- James Holt McGavran


"I've had bad luck with both my wives. The first one left me and the second one didn't."

- Patrick &




It's true that all men are born free and equal, but some of them get married!


Marriage is the process of finding out what kind of man your wife would have preferred.

====================================! ===============

Marry not a tennis player. For LOVE means nothing to them.


Two secrets to keep your marriage brimming

1. Whenever you're wrong, admit it,

2. Whenever you're right, shut up.

-- Nash


My wife only has 2 complaints. Nothing to wear and not enough closet space.


You know what I did before I married? Anything I wanted to.

-- Henny Youngman


My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met.

-- Rodney Dangerfield

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Once upon a time, in a church somewhere in the countryside of New England the congregation was gathered for Sunday service.


Just as the pastor was about to ascend the pulpit there was a flash of blinding light, a burst sulphurous stench and Satan appeared before the congregation. Panic ensued and all went fleeing from the church, except for but one crusty old gent who remained sitting in the pew.


Satan sees the old guy and is most perplexed. He approaches him, peers at him and with obvious displeasure asks, "Don't you realize who I am, old man?"


"Ay-yup, sure do", comes the calm and unpurturbed reply.


"And you're not afraid?" asks the Prince of Darkness even more perplexed.


"Ah-nope, sure not." says the old guy as he sits there in the pew.


Driven to complete disbelief Bellzebub draws within inches of the old man and bellows, "And why not!!!?"


"Been married to your sister for forty years."

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