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Just watched the snowboarding and American girl jacobelis had the gold won as the others crashed and were 150meteres behind her.then at the 2nd last jump she decided to carry on like an arrogant yank :nod showed off(celebrating in mid air) a bit too much and crashed herself.then the German girl went past her and won the gold :clap2 .just a shame it wasnt an Aussie or French women that did it as it was the funniest thing i have seen this year.


at the finish all you could see was the American team in tears :ang2 what a lovely sight :ang2


the foot :sorry

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Just watched the snowboarding and American girl jacobelis had the gold won as the others crashed and were 150meteres behind her.then at the 2nd last jump she decided to carry on like an arrogant yank  :cry1  showed off(celebrating in mid air) a bit too much and crashed herself.then the German girl went past her and won the gold 2guns .just a shame it wasnt an Aussie or French women that did it as it was the funniest thing i have seen this year. 


at the finish all you could see was the American team in tears :cry1 what a lovely sight :lol:


the foot :clap2

Actually, it wasn't arrogance. Any American will tell you that snowboarders are a bunch of stoners; more weed is smoked during a week at Mammoth Mountain than Bob Marley could have done in a month. :party


She wasn't being cocky and arrogant; this was the Olympics and it was probably the first time she'd ridden without being loaded! It messed up her coordination! :D

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I'll look forward to seeing this on tv at some point in the future. Sounds as though she got what she deserved.


She obviously wasn't told the story of the tortise and the hare when she was a kid.



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I saw her interviewed on Tv. She said she was having fun and got carried away. She still seemed very happy to be a medal winner. Youthful exuberance I guess.

Bye the way, How old were you when you won your first Gold medal?


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You enjoyed her crashing, took the time to post your enjoyment here, and she's the arrogant one. Go figure...... <laugh

That about says it all




She obviously was not broken up about it, doesn't seem like winning was the most important element for her, rather not playing it safe and entertaining the crowd seemed more important - these snowboarders are a different type of athlete.

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