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# 1 choice.. Bangkok Pattaya International Hospital. Sukhumvit RD

This is not a roadside clinic and is total western standards. Its is still not exspensive...


# 2 Pattaya Memorial on 2nd road. May be easier to get to from your Hotel.


In Thailand good dentists work out of the Hospitals.

I have used both and worked out wonderful!!!


Use that info if you get sick also :-)

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Along the same topic (but not quite).... Somewhere on 2nd road up around SOI 3 or 2 on the right hand side there is a large building that proclaims "Laser Witening" and Dentistry. I think the price is 10,000B, which is cheap by USA standards. Anyone try this? Is it worth it?

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Yes had the whitening done at Bangkok Pattaya International. As you know excellent Hospital No doubt about it.


Teeth were not in nasty condition whatsoever but tried the whitening.

Barely noticable. Thats from the above place


If your in the states Use the Crest white strips. They really do work and are much cheaper.

Use the strips not the other junk out there.


Do just like they say twice a day " dont" brush teeth first.

Watch the results!


Good luck killer!!

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