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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Thanks valentino


My preferred dates are 30april, return around 25august - for which I now found China Airlines at 805 euros - several BMs have had good experience with CA and I'm thinking of going ahead with that.


I've had more than one bad experience with Gulf Air and don't want to use that airline.

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Just checked BA. They quote 827 euros. One of the big draws of CA for me is that some bm s have found them lenient about charges for a change of return date. The video etc is not a big factor for me.


Still mulling it over - probably decide over the weekend.


Thanks for your response.

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From Paris, try www.anyway.com

Prices will be higher than going out of the UK but if you are already en France then the added cost and hassle of getting to London will nullify any price advantage.

I've done it 3 times with Gulf Air but the layover in Bahrain is about 4 hours and it is:

1) The world's most boring fucking airport

2) The world's coldest fucking airport, they keep the aircon about -67 degrees which is dandy if you're wearing a jellabah, less dandy if you are heading for Siam in light clothes.

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