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Well its over and Tiger Woods wins again,Dimarco is second and no Brit in the top ten.Such is the Open golf championship. :D


I guess we'll just have to whoop your asses again in the Ryder Cup in sept. :D


Only having a fun dig here :rolleyes:


Well played the Septics again :D

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Well its over and Tiger Woods wins again,Dimarco is second and no Brit in the top ten.Such is the Open golf championship. :clap2


I guess we'll just have to whoop your asses again in the Ryder Cup in sept. :clap2


Only having a fun dig here :chogdee2


Well played the Septics again :cry1

I picked Montie as one of my guys to give it a go... too bad :ang2 , looks like the Euros will have to wait for November for some retribution.


Hey, and how about that "Tour De Yanks" (whoops, I mean France) :cry1


Looks like L'Equipe and some of the other French rags wil have to start manufacturing false steriod accusationson on Landis :cry1



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Don't forget we hold the most important trophy in golf.


The RideHer Cup :chogdee2



You sure that aint just your own johnson you guys are holding and not any important trophy?

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