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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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me an a couple of guys are comming out to the LOS next week but mr D is on medicaton and he is shitting himself about takeing it in to the country he is worried that coustoms will think he is takeing somthing nasty in to the counrty :unsure:


i told him to take a letter from his DR just incase will this do or dose he need more :banghead :banghead <grin


any of you ever had any problems ?

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Dont trust much Asian pharmacies.

They sell fake medicine.Sometime they will show you the fake and the real thing. The package of the medication is so much close! They even fake holograms! The price inbetween fake and real med. are so hugh, the profit is so tempting to those who work in pharmacies.

I usualy take my medication from Australia to Asian countries, but also bring the perscription with me.

For customs you need the perscriptions and a letter from your doctor stating that your medical condition, and the list of medication you take with you. The Dr shouldnt charge you for this letter, but make shoure his contact (phonr/Fax) are on the letter. Also dont bring far too many medication with you. If you go for 30 days, dont bring more than 35-40 days. I been only asked once at customsto prove tht the pills are for me on 150+ visits to Asian countries. But I herad from a guy in Indonesia on short term visa who took pills for 200 days had a problem/fine at the customs.

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I've never had a problem bringing my blood pressure pills into Thailand.


The pharmacist I use now gives me the "made in Thailand" version of what I need and they are fine - my blood pressure is normal so they are obviously having the desired effect.



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I usually pick up extras of my medicines when in Thailand - many name-brand are cheaper though not lots, and generics are unbelievably cheap.

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I wouldn't worry too much about fake medication, especially if you go to a reputable pharmacy. However, dont assume you will get your medication in Thailand. While many common drugs will be available, there are many others that you will not find there - at least not in the form you are looking for it.

One reason is that in the US current medical thinking results in single-drug medicines - one active ingredient only. In Asia and Europe, however, mixing different drugs in one medicine is common. To give an example, Advil and Tylenol (ibuprofen and paracetamol) are commonly sold mixed in one pill in many Asian countries. In the US you will not find that. In fact, I have been unable to find single-drug ibuprofen in some places in Asia.Butwould go with the advice other board members have given here, and not worry about bringing in prescription drugs (no one gets checked by customs anyway). But do not assume you will easily find the medication you need in Pattaya.

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If it was something that is also used recreationally, I would suggest keeping the amount to something commensurate with the length of stay.

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If it was something that is also used recreationally, I would suggest keeping the amount to something commensurate with the length of stay.



I would suggest you leave it at home,or you might never see home again.

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