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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.
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Hi Mark, I am no stranger to a Nikon having had an F601 for many years and this was my reason for choosing another Nikon for my transition into digital SLR. My D50 came with a Nikon 18-55 and I have since bought a Nikon 70-300 telephoto,albeit only the cheapie one,but then I am only a happy snapper. I used the telephoto lens the other day to take some pics of a family of squirrels and noticed that on auto, camera shake is more pronounced than with the film camera. I still have much to learn with the D50, and your pics are quite inspirational.Thanks for taking the time to reply with your advice.Regards Steve

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Sounds like you have the same lenses I have and you are no stranger to Nikon. You'll have a blast with hit. When I use the zoom i oten use my tripod and remote control. Camera shake is VERY hard to avoid when hand holding and completely zoomed to 300mm. I think on the SLR the 300MM zoom is equivalent to approx. 450mm on a film camera.


I'll find some I've hand held and taken with the zoom and post them. In the meantime here's one of Koh Larn that I took. For those that don't know, Koh Larn is about 9 miles (?) off the Pattaya Coastline.






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Excellent as aways, Mark.

This maybe a dumb question, but don't the Nikon Digital SLRs come with image stabilization?


Thanks Scalawag. Not a dumb question at all and NO they don't come with IS. You can buy lenses that are IS and those are quite pricey...




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Thanks Scalawag. Not a dumb question at all and NO they don't come with IS. You can buy lenses that are IS and those are quite pricey...

Thanks for taking the time to reply.


Now I'm wondering why they would put IS in the lenses as the image in captured in the camera body. Interesting........

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There's a debate going on about IS and some of the professional photographers are now saying that it creates an unacceptable amount of digital noise in thier images. A friend of mine has a Pentax camera with IS and he likes it. He's not shooting professionally and it's fine for him.


Most people that shoot using Canon are corporately sponsored by Canon or working for a company that Canon sponsors to use their equipment. Their aftermarket lense prices close them up to the average photographer. You look across a sports field or a celebrity event and you would just assume that Canon is the equipment of choice by professional photographers. While they do use it and it's good equipment, most wouldn't go and buy it on their own.




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