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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

the wee GS Joe & Sparky Dave's porn reunion party

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OK , this is the one , for all the guys & dolls in Pattaya on the 23rd of June.


Its " the wee GS Joe & Sparky Dave's porn reunion party " at soi 8's Cherry Bar

and look what there is for you guys ,



We have two well liked forum members there , ( Sparky Dave & Hammer )


we have food



we have beer



we have pussy



there is something there for everyone , if its not there just say we'll get it ,


so if you only make it to one party on the 23rd of June make it this one .




Just In party games , the girls get to play with Joe's helmet

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