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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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I need to get some work done while I'm in LOS next month, including a couple of crowns. Can anyone recomend a good, (and reasonable ), dentist in Pattaya......or should I be looking in Bangkok for this kind of work? If you've had experience with a local dentist, let me know. I get to town on May 19.

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I raised this same question with the nurse who works for BUPA, Pattaya branch and hails from the UK and she recommended a dentist down Pattaya central road (Pattaya Klang)


Just beyond the juntion with Carrefour heading toward the beach is the junction with third road go through the lights and its the second dentist on the left.

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I nursed a broken tooth for 4 months until I could get to LOS for repair. At recommendation of co-worker visited dental clinic called "Dental Studio" at intersection of Central Rd. & 2nd Rd (about 50 yd north of intersection with a big tooth sign). Walked out 30 minutes later with tooth fixed, no pain, no hassle and all for 800BAHT. It was very impressive modern clinic. I will not hesitate to visit again or recommend to a friend.



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Guest mrbill

Pattaya International Hospital Soi 4 Dr. Aree. Very nice lady and excellent dentist. She replaced a crown on my last trip. She knew I was nervous so she sang me a song!

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This is a Q that crops up a lot...many answers and recommendations...the definative answer is there has never been a bad report on any dentist in Pattaya...they are all fuckin geniuses.But heres my rec.Happy Smile on Pattaya Klang lol.

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mrbill's recommendation is spot on! Dr Aree did heaps of work for me, a great Dentist and a truely charming [and good looking] lady. The fact that she sang him a song does not surprise me at all.



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Cheapest in Pattaya (ask Thais)


Gentle, Competant & cheap








Clean scale 150Baht


Filling 400 Baht


Crown / Bridge 3K Baht/ tooth





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Dr Aree is not cheap but good (I think anyway, don't know much about Dentists).


Whatever the case 'cheap' is a relative term. Expensive for Pattaya but most probably 50%-75% cheaper than in the West.


I saw her for 3 fillings and was very happy with everything.

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CAUTION - check prices!!!


50-75% cheaper??? You guys must have some expensive dentists in your countries.



While I am in Pattaya I thought I would spend some free time getting work done on a tooth (crown) Supposedly it is much cheaper here. At home I have a very good dentist but was limited for time so put off getting that work done. I did get a cost estimate after the cleaning though.


On recommendations from guys here I went to Dr. Aree at Pattaya International Hospital Soi 4 yesterday. Very nice office, nice lady and professional work, no issues there.


When it came time to pay for the first of two visits it became obvious the total price was the SAME as back home BEFORE health insurance was factored in. I just paid about 80% more here than what I would have paid at home with insurance. My fault for not asking first.


I would let her do emergency work for me anytime. Just a heads up for you guys.

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of course, if you have insurance no question where you get a better deal.

Dr A has 3 price ranges for crowns depending what materials are used and how long she can guarantee the job to last.

if I remember right, in 2007 I paid about 60% of US price for most expensive category.



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Did that 800 baht include a crown?? If it did, thats a very good price.


I nursed a broken tooth for 4 months until I could get to LOS for repair. At recommendation of co-worker visited dental clinic called "Dental Studio" at intersection of Central Rd. & 2nd Rd (about 50 yd north of intersection with a big tooth sign). Walked out 30 minutes later with tooth fixed, no pain, no hassle and all for 800BAHT. It was very impressive modern clinic. I will not hesitate to visit again or recommend to a friend.



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No crown. The tooth had 2 old fillings, corner of tooth broke leaving broken tooth with 2 fillings. Dentist drilled out all old filling material and used a type filling/mold material to re-scuplt tooth. He said should last 10+ yrs.



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