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Today is Veterans Day in the United States

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Yes, it's a great day to remember us Veterans. Through the years with the companies that I have worked for in the USA, it seems that it has been traded for this or that and most of the time moved to the Friday after Thanksgiving so the office staff of these places could have a 4 day weekend. Not my idea of honoring the veterans. It's a shame that it isn't just left alone and and not used as a bargaining chip.

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Are there any expat Vets living in Pattaya that deserve honorable mention?

So far,the 1st 3 posters here.


The company that I spent 28+ years at and my Father spent 31+ years at,Delta Air Lines,didn't do squat for us.But like every other bleeding heart company in the US,now it's in vogue to recognize Veterans and their contributions.Imagine the difference when I returned home in 1972 from Okinawa.....with nearly 2 more years to spend in uniform in the good ol' USA.

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.....with nearly 2 more years to spend in uniform in the good ol' USA.


I can't speak on behalf of the treatment in the USA but in Canada any vet that checked the "vet" box on job applications always got first pick regardless of qualifications and age. Especially government positions.


I had 3 uncles that I never met die overseas and I take my hat off every year in memery of them and people like you that served. Thier children, my cousins paid a price.

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I can't speak on behalf of the treatment in the USA but in Canada any vet that checked the "vet" box on job applications always got first pick regardless of qualifications and age. Especially government positions.


I had 3 uncles that I never met die overseas and I take my hat off every year in memery of them and people like you that served. Thier children, my cousins paid a price.

Bless them.


For civilian jobs,veterans get no/little if any-preference.For gov't jobs,being a vet is worth points toward your qualification.

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There is a video out on youtube by a Canadian named Terry Kelly that honors vets on this day. You can go to his website and get full story behind the video but it is very moving. Here is the link.


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Didn't know the 11th is vet's day in the US. So it coincides with our UK tradition of marking the 11th November (or the nearest Sunday to it for the official ceremony) as Remembrance Day. The guns fell silent at 11 am on 11.11.1918 to end the 1st World War. I've always found it ironic that the Germans also mark 11 am on the 11th November as a special day - it's the official start of the carnival season WTF

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Poor old Germans, they were the most successful on the battlefield in WW1 yet still lost the war economically in the end, great soldiers.




All soldiers deserve recognition.


Anyone willing to die for what they believe in can't be all bad.

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