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Party time at Babydolls Sunday 23rd Nov

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Well it is time for another big party at Babydolls. :party: :party: :party:


Addicts is hosting a welcome back Bryan party on Sunday the 23rd November. As usual we will be having lots of fun and games along with lots of great food supplied my Palamers.


You are all welcome to join us in celebrating the return of the big buffalo Bryan :P . It should be a great night as he turns into a funny raging homo when he has a few drinks in him :bigsmile:


The doors open at 8pm and the fun and games go on till late. :D :drunk :drunk :drunk :P


Babydolls is located on walking street soi 14 (the soi next to secrets)


It is also our Mamsan Na's birthday so we will be having a dual celebration.

Edited by sinkorswim
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