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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Taking my first trip to Pattaya in September...

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Thanks to the admin for approving my membership and thanks to everyone who has posted in this thread. There has been a lot of great information in here and elsewhere on the forum, I feel like I am gaining the groundwork for my trip as far as knowledge goes and I appreciate it!

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1) Bring lots of money


2) Bring condoms, unless you have a small willy like an Asian


3) Bring lots of money


4) Change your name to Handsum Man before leaving for your trip


5) Bring lots of money


6) If it's tall, beautiful, and has huge knockers, it's probably hung better than you


7) Bring lots of money


8) Before coming, ask yourself 12,387 times if you want to buy some suit or shirt.


9) Bring lots of money


10) Did I mention bring lots of money?

:banghead :D :D I hope he dont forget the money.

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Dont fall in Love.


When you take the girl back to your room ask her go shower and put everything in the safe, (if no safe, should you be staying there).


Be careful eating off the food carts as not all wash their hands.


study the baht bus rules.


Dont be flash, be Mr average when out & about and dont attract attention, you dont need to be flash to get your girl, its just about the cash.


Dont be TOO nice, they can take kindness as a weekness.

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