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Boiled eggs

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I bought a pack of four "Goldenlay" Eggs at Big C the other day, and decided to boil them to make some egg mayonnaise to go with a salad. When I came to peel them I noticed that the eggs had been painted to look orange and that the shells were actually a mottled grey colour.

If that were not bad enough, when I cracked the shells, what should have been white was black- and I don't mean dark grey, I mean black! Inside the yolk was yellow, and they did smell like eggs - they weren't "off" or anything.

I couldn't bring myself to eat one, so they went in the bin. Does anybody know what kind of eggs they are?

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  m62man said:
I bought a pack of four "Goldenlay" Eggs at Big C the other day, and decided to boil them to make some egg mayonnaise to go with a salad. When I came to peel them I noticed that the eggs had been painted to look orange and that the shells were actually a mottled grey colour.

If that were not bad enough, when I cracked the shells, what should have been white was black- and I don't mean dark grey, I mean black! Inside the yolk was yellow, and they did smell like eggs - they weren't "off" or anything.

I couldn't bring myself to eat one, so they went in the bin. Does anybody know what kind of eggs they are?

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Err, these are not fresh eggs, didn't you notice the orange colour? ( Sure about orange, white or pink is more common?)

Sounds like salted eggs or 1000 year old eggs.

Regular eggs look just like regular eggs in LOS!

Edited by jacko
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This seems to be the funny story of the month. Or a put-on of course.


  jacko said:
Regular eggs look just like regular eggs in LOS!
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Except they're *all* brown -- no fresh, white hen's eggs.



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  joekicker said:
This seems to be the funny story of the month. Or a put-on of course.




Except they're *all* brown -- no fresh, white hen's eggs.



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Yes Joe, they look like regular brown eggs. No white hens, no white eggs!

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Funny bit of trivia here... and I didnt know this until I moved to Thailand. Until then, I had only seen a brown egg a couple times (aside from ones for sale in some of the supermarkets).


Turns out that, like humans, chickens' children are the same color as the parent :)


Brown chickens lay brown eggs, white chickens lay white eggs.


For "off color" chickens (and brown and white for that matter), the egg will almost always be the same shade of color as the chickens earlobe. Thought that was a bit funny.


The best place to buy good fresh eggs is at any of the many open Thai markets around town. I personally get mine from the market in Naklua, and have for well over a year... never had a bad egg :) (and the price is good too!)


I have noticed that with eggs bought in the stores, if you hard boil them to make egg salad (or just to eat hard boiled), the yolk is usually at the very edge of the egg, butt up against the shell, which makes for peeling them a right pain in the ass. Almost never happens with eggs from the market. Not sure why... I assume it has something to do with the eggs always being in the same position in the store (they are sitting upright all the time - never moved from one position from the time they are packaged in the factory in Issan or wherever). Strange. :)



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  jacko said:
Yes Joe, they look like regular brown eggs. No white hens, no white eggs!
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A lot of North Americans go through a life without seeing a brown egg, struth, let alone actually using one. In some places, sharp merchants charge (quite a bit) extra for them.


Thus, every white egg is assumed to be a fresh chicken egg by such terribly deprived people, and the only "regular" eggs are white.



Edited by joekicker
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hey joe, i bet that alot of city people have not seen anything but white eggs, it is unfortunate that you have to blame americans for every little tiny slight that you can throw our way.. a hole.

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There are, of course, duck eggs about too!!!!

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  cariden said:
hey joe, i bet that alot of city people have not seen anything but white eggs, it is unfortunate that you have to blame americans for every little tiny slight that you can throw our way.. a hole.
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Why didn't you quote me blaming Americans for anything... d head? Because you couldn't?


I said roughly what you said, except that I didn't "blame" the Americans or mention them. If you want to take the blame, that is very big of you, but blame for what?



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  jacko said:
There are, of course, duck eggs about too!!!!
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A while back I didn't eat a brown egg for more than a year. My wife had about 30 ducks. Now the ducks are gone and it's back to smaller brown eggs.

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  Gary said:
A while back I didn't eat a brown egg for more than a year. My wife had about 30 ducks. Now the ducks are gone and it's back to smaller brown eggs.
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Mmmm, curried fried duck, yummy! :D
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"A lot of North Americans go through a life without seeing a brown egg, struth, let alone actually using one. In some places, sharp merchants charge (quite a bit) extra for them."

like i said you sir are an a-hole.

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  cariden said:
"A lot of North Americans go through a life without seeing a brown egg, struth, let alone actually using one. In some places, sharp merchants charge (quite a bit) extra for them."

like i said you sir are an a-hole.

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For what? Breathing? Having the gah dam NERVE to reply to your idiotic d-deaded post? For what? Is there something untrue about that post I made? Is there something defamatory about it? What the hell are you on, so I can avoid it?



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