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I don't care for glittermans crap, but he mentioned this forum in the post, so I thought I'd let you guys see it, as well as my reply. Maybe I was a little rough with him.


For the last 4 months i have been writting articles on Thiavisa.com. I have been very happy with that and i have even placed 48 personel photos of me into my 'profile albums' there.

Recently in the last couple or so weeks i have decided to re-release all my old articles on ALL Pattaya forums. Re-editing to suit the particular forum audience.

My idea behind releasing old articles is that i want members to get the FULL picture FIRST before i post any new articles.

All the old one are all about me; my thoughts, my character ect. Being a public figure people DO want to know about me, and these 14 articles tell them. In about 2 weeks i can then start posting freshly made articles

Half the forums have doubted my identity, which has led to delays in keeping up with the other forums. My I.D. was even doubted way back at xmas with Thaivisa, but i showed myself to a moderator and so everything was okay. A couple of weeks ago this 'Secrets' forum was the second. Again i showed myself and so my identity is confirmed. Two days ago Pattaya-Addicts had their doubts and so a mod put in a question to me in the replies of my thread; 'Do you remember meeting the mod shaggy and what lunch was bought for you?' so i sent that mod a reply saying 'i am a recluse and for 8 years i have NEVER eaten with any man, only proper girlfriends, and i do not remember you'. [too many people want to say hello] My answer was obviously not good enough, or it was just an excuse to get rid off me because of my strong opinions, so i am banned.

Yesterday Pattaya-Talk doubted my I.D. and so want me to turn up at their F.L.B. bar. For 5 years now i have refused to step foot into an alcohol outlet, i could meet outside the bar, like i did with this forum. But to hell with it, i am now fed up with having to prove myself, so this article is written for any future doubting forums.

Why do people doubt me????? Are they surprised that this pretty flower has thorns?, that this ship has cannons?. Maybe you all thought that i was a simple idiot with nothing to say for myself, just waving and smilling back like a harmless clown or a tail waving dog?

WRONG!!! you all should of realised that behind a VERY strong unique visual image, would be a VERY strong unique character, with VERY strong unique opinions.


For those of you that have already read my old thaivisa articles i say bear with it, there are only about 7 left which are detailed articles on the original idea and construction of my bicycle/costume.


On the other hand i may just decide to quit ALL forums. Forums are NOT important for my happiness, i get too much satisfaction from just doing my 'shows'

Most forums over the years had run threads on 'Who is it?', you all wanted to know and now i am telling you. Sometimes its just a hassle spending hours in various internet shops telling you.


I have never at any point over the last 8 years met any abusive people on the 'outside'. Abusive people ONLY appear in forums, 'Teakdoor' being the worse, i suppose they cant handle the truth about themselves!!!!


This article will probally appear on THIS forum ONLY. So you 'secrets' members, please spread the word to other forums, and save them dragging my ass around.


You will see my e-mail address royalglitter@hotmail.com appears on ALL Pattaya forums, both in my 'member profile' information AND in my first post; Glitterman Speaks About Glitterman'. That alone should be all the proff needed.


The Royal Glitterman hath spoken.



Glitter guy, there are several problems with your posts that I see.

1. they are all self promoting. 2. Since you have posted the same cut and paste drivel on other boards with out changing a single word, you are nothing more than a spammer 3. In your arrogant self promoting, you put most of us readers down. Most people don't like being told that they aren't as good as others. Especially not as good as someone that many considered a nut case. 4. You say that you post because people want to know about you, yet not once have you answered any of the questions put to you. 5. I see you as a Troll. A troll will post something just to get a big reaction from other readers, then just sit back and watch the fireworks while laughing. That seems to be exactly what you do. 6. You claim to be living off money from a wealthy relative, and act as though it's something special. That just tells me, that every other person here can do something that you can not. Earn our own way in life, and support ourselves. No one paid us to go away, nor were we sent to Thailand. We earned every baht we have ourselves. We all have a skill valuable enough that someone will pay us to perform it. Do you get paid for bike riding?


7. You whine because Pattaya-Talk and Pattaya addicts suspended you until you can prove who you are. Yet you also say that ThaiVisa, and Secrets did the same. Doesn't that tell you something? When everyone wants physical conformation? The rest of us didn't have to do that? With the exception of going to level two on Secrets board. Here is a direct quote from MM the owner of Pattaya-Talk "Well, he needs to come up with some new material before he gets back on here....if it is he." MM doesn't want his board spammed by you any longer. You haven't been banned from either board, only had your posting rights suspended 8. You claim to be the most photographed person in Thailand. That only goes to show that you don't get out much. Nikita the lady that dresses like a china doll gets more pictures taken in an hour than you get in a week. That's not to mention the old funny dressed guy standing under the tree on walking street, or the little girl on the table doing body twisting, the Russian ladies dancing in the window on WS or Emma the lady boy. They all several times a night have a crowd of 100 or more taking pictures. I've never seen that happen with you. I'm only talking Pattaya, there are photographed people in BKK, Phuket, Chang Mai, Koh Samui as well. Sounds like you have put yourself on an undeserved pedestal there.


9. In another post, you claimed that you would not post any more, yet you are back posting the rest of your 14 part series. To me, that makes you a liar, as well as having mental issues. 10. Your 14 part series did not go over well on ThaiVisa, why would you re-post that crap on a mongers board? If it didn't go over on a forum as politically correct as ThaiVisa, how could you possibly think it would do any better on a mongers board? Have you even read any of the other posts on here? Do you have any idea what this forum is about, or why most of us are on it? 11. In a couple of your post you talk of having to go to internet shops and pay to post. If you are so wealthy, why don't you have internet in your home like I do? Why don't you own a computer? I don't consider myself wealthy, but I have a computer and wi-fi. 12. I really have to wonder, do you really think that dressing funny and taking a bike ride a couple of times a week makes you smarter than the rest of us? Does it really make your opinion more important than ours? Do you think that it will make us value your opinion more than anyone else's ?


Since many of the people on this board haven't seen your whole series, I haven gone into anything that wasn't posted here yet. But there you have it. Twelve things that I and possibly others would like to have you comment on, or at least get a real reply. I should say, without cutting and pasting something that has been posted on another board. This forum is interactive, it's not a pulpit. Step up to the plate and defend your position. Don't just be an arrogant shit, preaching with out backing up those positions or answering questions put to you.


PS. Before you go off saying that I'm attacking you. Go back and read your first few post on ThaiVisa. I defended you as being part of the allure of Pattaya. It wasn't until your holier than though postings came up that my opinion of you changed.

Edited by lovedog100
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why dont he get his own forum, then he can see how many member join and want to read his self importance drivel !

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The glitterman id was suspended because, as the person he claimed to be is a "public" and recognizable figure, his posts were somewhat inflammatory and might cause glitterman, the person who rides the bicycle, physical or emotional harm if someone were to read them and react negatively.


If the "real" glitterman were not the one posting, this could lead to him being surprised by someone walking up to him and attacking him for the positions put forth by the person posting as glitterman.


It's no big deal if an anonymous person posts inflammatory opinions, but if a person identifies themselves or is recognizable, it is my responsibility to ensure that the person posting is, in fact, the physical person who they are representing.


Verification from another board or 2nd party is not sufficient to remove any question about his identity, since the responsibility is mine to ensure his identity and protect the actual individual from harm that may come about from someone else posting as he.


So, it comes down to the guy on the bike coming into FLB, or me perhaps encountering him on the street by chance, and attesting that he is the one making the posts, or his suspension will continue.


Once his identity is verified, he is welcome to post his opinions on this board.

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Excellent Martin, let's see what happens from here.

Is it really him, or is the whole thing a con ! I'm sitting on the fence on this until i'm convinced. I

t's either a genuine, self opinionated twat or a troll, time will tell.

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  Ergodyne said:
Excellent Martin, let's see what happens from here.

Is it really him, or is the whole thing a con ! I'm sitting on the fence on this until i'm convinced. I

t's either a genuine, self opinionated twat or a troll, time will tell.

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Its been a similar situation over on PL. He has sent me some PMs and one of our members claims that he is the genuine article. However, I tend to agree with MM's post, as his persona is rather strange to say the least for a Pattaya forum and one has to wonder what he is trying to achieve, since whoever it is, does not engage in a normal way, but merely presents a post and does not reply within it. If it is the golden man, then it might explain his obvious need for attention both on the streets of Pattaya and on these forums. He will cycle around, get the attention, photos, the celeb, and keep driving.


Perhaps he spends the rest of his day looking in the mirror and admiring himself, who knows. Takes all sorts to make a world.

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  Mr Pastry said:
Its been a similar situation over on PL. He has sent me some PMs and one of our members claims that he is the genuine article. However, I tend to agree with MM's post, as his persona is rather strange to say the least for a Pattaya forum and one has to wonder what he is trying to achieve, since whoever it is, does not engage in a normal way, but merely presents a post and does not reply within it. If it is the golden man, then it might explain his obvious need for attention both on the streets of Pattaya and on these forums. He will cycle around, get the attention, photos, the celeb, and keep driving.


Perhaps he spends the rest of his day looking in the mirror and admiring himself, who knows. Takes all sorts to make a world.

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I'm with you sir, i'm inclined to think the whole thing is attention seeking and an underlying problem with 'relating to society' in general.

Does anyone know this guy on a personal level ? or is he genuinley a recluse :devil

It seems he does not drink, abhores the p4p scene, WTF is he doing in Pattaya ?

Perhaps sympathy is derseved or at least "treatment' :allright


The concept of hiding behind an image comes to mind. If that's your thing, fine, just don't start preaching to other people who may just happen to have a better grasp of reality.


Nurse, . . . . . . . . Nurse . . . . . . . Nurse . . . . . . . . his medication is wearing off again ! :D

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  Mr Pastry said:
Its been a similar situation over on PL. He has sent me some PMs and one of our members claims that he is the genuine article. However, I tend to agree with MM's post, as his persona is rather strange to say the least for a Pattaya forum and one has to wonder what he is trying to achieve, since whoever it is, does not engage in a normal way, but merely presents a post and does not reply within it. If it is the golden man, then it might explain his obvious need for attention both on the streets of Pattaya and on these forums. He will cycle around, get the attention, photos, the celeb, and keep driving.


Perhaps he spends the rest of his day looking in the mirror and admiring himself, who knows. Takes all sorts to make a world.

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I agree. In his first posts on ThaiVisa, glitterman just said hello, and introduced himself. Some got nasty with him, others such as me, said live and let live. It's all part of what we find interesting in Pattaya. When his posts turned to telling us how seperiour he is, and going off on us for drinking, rented women and such, the whole thing changed. I for one thought it was somebody that didn't like him, trying to set him up for a beating by posting under his name and insulting out lifestyles, and life choices. Of the 5 forums he joined, all 5 questioned his identy, and rightly so. Just as MM said, someone posting inflammatory opinions should be protected when posting under a reconaziable public persona, until that person identifies themselves, and assumes the risk themselves. It would be unethical for a forum owner to do less. All 5 forums took this stance. Two have allowed him to start posting again after ID was confirmed. The other three have not had that conformation as yet. I would hope that MM would take a stance on spamming the board with his 14 part series, and request, or demand, that origional materal be used. Up to him. On ThaiVisa, glitterman's first post recieved 51 replies, his last one only 5, it's appears that many have chosen to ignore him, or have simply lost interest.


I still think that glitterman is using the forums as a pulpit. There is nothing after the 14 part series, nor have there been any replies to any question brought up by board members. He has yet to post anything on any topic, except his own. Either he can't figure out how to use the forum, or he finds our opinions and questions not worth his time and efort. It's kind of funny, when he rides by on his bike, it brings a smile to my face. When I read what he thinks, it offends me.

Edited by lovedog100
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  MM said:
The glitterman id was suspended because, as the person he claimed to be is a "public" and recognizable figure, his posts were somewhat inflammatory and might cause glitterman, the person who rides the bicycle, physical or emotional harm if someone were to read them and react negatively.


If the "real" glitterman were not the one posting, this could lead to him being surprised by someone walking up to him and attacking him for the positions put forth by the person posting as glitterman.


It's no big deal if an anonymous person posts inflammatory opinions, but if a person identifies themselves or is recognizable, it is my responsibility to ensure that the person posting is, in fact, the physical person who they are representing.

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There's a lot to this moderation lark :devil

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so has anyone ever actually spoken with the nutter on the bike ?

Snoopy was a BM on another board that claims to have talked with him & even insisted he join the boards, but others are saying that he's done this all before on Thaivsa & that boards are nothing new to him.

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  phomsanuk said:
Is this that golden fruitcake I see cruising the Soi's of Pattaya occasionally?


Who's the one with the TV mounted of the back of his motorbike? :allright

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No, i know the guy you mean, the screen is a fairly recent addition, he's been riding round playing the music for a while.

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Find it very hard to believe the poster is the real glitterman.


Any one who signs off "The Royal Glitterman Hath Spoken" must be a right nutcase.

And certainly right up himself.

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This is why all boards are boring as fok now a days, they all have their own little cliques who all enjoy slapping each other on the back and should someone come along and post that doesn't fit in with the norm and god forbid post alternative views they are got rid of, thus returning the board back to a back slapping clique. Personally can't see what all the fuss about, just one of the many odd balls who live in Pattaya expressing his views, so he doesn't drink or fuck whores, big deal. And as to the reason about suspending him because of his personal safety that is just laughable when comapred to Harris Black, just how many threats has Harris had of violence or death towards him over the years and is still quite happily going about his business day by day out in the open.

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  buriramboy said:
This is why all boards are boring as fok now a days, they all have their own little cliques who all enjoy slapping each other on the back and should someone come along and post that doesn't fit in with the norm and god forbid post alternative views they are got rid of, thus returning the board back to a back slapping clique. Personally can't see what all the fuss about, just one of the many odd balls who live in Pattaya expressing his views, so he doesn't drink or fuck whores, big deal. And as to the reason about suspending him because of his personal safety that is just laughable when comapred to Harris Black, just how many threats has Harris had of violence or death towards him over the years and is still quite happily going about his business day by day out in the open.
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Harris Black comes on the boards in disguise, not letting anyone know it is him until he is outed...and then banned. Harris attempts to create a friendly persona to get people on the board to make contact with him.


This poster, glitterman, claims to be the well-known guy who can be seen on the streets of Pattaya regularly. The poster says he is that person. Suppose he is not that person who rides around town, and simply wants to generate animosity towards that real person who has no idea of what's brewing on the forums, and what he is supposedly saying? Suppose that real guy is riding down the street and someone sticks a rod through his spokes because of what someone else has said (purporting to be he) on the forums? Suppose he is held accountable for what someone else is saying are his words?


I see potential danger and a potential for mischief in this, unless the poster is the actual person. In that case, he is at least aware of what he is saying about the visitors and inhabitants of this town.

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