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Dammit this is going too far


This shot shows the serious damage caused to the wildlife by the recent BP blowout ...






I am volunteering right now to go down to the coast and help clean the wildlife with my own two hands.


Where do I sign up?

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I knew there would be one jerkoff making light of the worst manmade disaster in my country's history.

Fucking idiot.

Edited by LTGTR
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I knew there would be one jerkoff making light of the worst manmade disaster in my country's history.

Fucking idiot.


Maybe if your country doesn't want to be made fun of, then maybe they should be more responsible and stop causing the majority of the worst man-made disasters in the WORLD.


And it's not like it only affects the USA; It's fucking up the worlds ocean environment, not just your little corner of it, numbnuts.

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unfortunate accident and understandably hard to laugh in the face of adversity on this one. www.deepwaterhorizonresponse.com is the site set up for any ideas from the everyday joe to stop the ruptured oil pipe.or clean up.

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Maybe if your country doesn't want to be made fun of, then maybe they should be more responsible and stop causing the majority of the worst man-made disasters in the WORLD.


Bet you can't define "majority" and back it up. Tell you what. Give me your list. I'll give you a list back with the same number of similar events, plus one.



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Bet you can't define "majority" and back it up. Tell you what. Give me your list. I'll give you a list back with the same number of similar events, plus one.





First of all I'm not looking for an argument. I know it's the worst environmental disaster in history. If the joke had been made before the gulf disaster and was referencing the exxon oil spill I doubt anyone would have had a problem with it.


Just to respond to what you asked for heres a couple of lists. No matter what lists I find on the net it seems that the USA appears to have more (majority) than most any other country.










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You should be a few hundred miles away or actually see it in person,as I have.Or have it dominate the news.Or see the lives ruined again,after Katrina.Or see the wildlife killed and wetlands ruined..........fucking canuck asshole.

Do you still not get it?

It's not my country causing it?

Ever heard of British Petroleum?

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There are very few things that can't be turned into a tasteless joke.......Often within hours......... I didn't find that one 'that' funny........I'm sure, if I'm honest, there will be others to come along that 'will' make me laugh. Doesn't mean I'm not disgusted,saddened and angry at the sights in the Gulf. I just don't think Mars meant any harm!


You'll have your opinion!

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You should be a few hundred miles away or actually see it in person,as I have.Or have it dominate the news.Or see the lives ruined again,after Katrina.Or see the wildlife killed and wetlands ruined..........fucking canuck asshole.

Do you still not get it?

It's not my country causing it?

Ever heard of British Petroleum?


Maybe you mean BP, cause it's no longer called British Petrolium since it became a multinational company, which is partly owned now by USA interests.



There are very few things that can't be turned into a tasteless joke.......Often within hours......... I didn't find that one 'that' funny........I'm sure, if I'm honest, there will be others to come along that 'will' make me laugh. Doesn't mean I'm not disgusted,saddened and angry at the sights in the Gulf. I just don't think Mars meant any harm!


You'll have your opinion!


Thanks, and very true. Some people make light or joke about serious issues in order to cope with them. It's human. Rather than running around screaming at the top of your lungs about things you can't do anything about.

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