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So what you are saying that your little hurt feelings should trump everyone elses enjoyment of this thread, that you want to put a stop to it. Maybe sitting in front of that computer 12 - 16 hours a day has given you an over inflated sense of importance. If it's your foot ball, you can take it and go home. However, this is not your football, nor have you contributed to the game. Maybe you should just go. Adults are talking here.


Come on puppy love show a little love Princess. What's wrong; being outed as a liar and cheat get a little under your skin? Get used to it because this is about as good as it is going to get for you for the rest of your waiting to die in leftyville life surfing the internet to get that vicarious Thailand fix that you can no longer afford yourself.


take the "foot ball" and feel it up because that is as close to a tit as you are going to get ... no feeling yourself up doesn't count.

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lovedog,   Here's the deal ... each time you send me an inane, rambling PM, I'll post a funny pic ... up to you.    

Come on puppy you can do better than that. Come on back now and tell us all about how mean people are being to you.   The new medications don't seem to be working too well so maybe better for you to

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This is all about me damn it. I could care less that the 4 thousand views mean that others have enjoyed the thread. My childish rampages trumps anything anyone else on this forum wants. If I want to be a coward, stomp my feet and whine it's my business, nobody elses rights and thoughts mean anything to me.

BS 2.jpg

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Come on puppy you can do better than that. Come on back now and tell us all about how mean people are being to you.


The new medications don't seem to be working too well so maybe better for you to stick to the 40 ouncers. That will also stretch those welfare checks further.

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vpi78 you are a real sad piece of shit when you have to start giving red marks to funny pictures. I bet you have to use a viagra to wack off each time you rate one of my posts because you get so excited. You are a pitiful little man. http://www.pattayata...ser/6295-vpi78/


lovedog, the thread was going along fine until you posted the above about some neg rep you got. Naturally, VPI was going to respond. You two have been going back and forth since.


So what you are saying that your little hurt feelings should trump everyone elses enjoyment of this thread, that you want to put a stop to it. Maybe sitting in front of that computer 12 - 16 hours a day has given you an over inflated sense of importance. If it's your foot ball, you can take it and go home. However, this is not your football, nor have you contributed to the game. Maybe you should just go. Adults are talking here.


But, lovedog, you initially took the thread off topic into personal attacks.


Now, both of you should drop this and stick to the original purpose of the thread.

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But, lovedog, you initially took the thread off topic into personal attacks.


Now, both of you should drop this and stick to the original purpose of the thread.




"Drop this" doesn't translate as "revert to sending inane PMs to BMs".

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"Drop this" doesn't translate as "revert to sending inane PMs to BMs".


Fuck ... He's cheating on me again ... and we were BFFs.


But the one I received today from him was still pretty good ... after all it was Valentines day. He still loves me more.

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Bad tattoos











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vpi78, did I find your school yearbook picture?


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To clean to be a Thai toilet,,, but it sure looks like Thai engineering.


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Just in, the two cowards that hide from pictures to keep their identity secret have been caught on camera. We have a picture of Cheshire Tom and VPI78 together

Cheshire tom.jpg

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Just in, the two cowards that hide from pictures to keep their identity secret have been caught on camera. We have a picture of Cheshire Tom and VPI78 together


Hide from pictures to keep their identity secret? Is English not your first language, or what? Besides, how do you know what I have (or haven't) posted if you, as you claim, have me on ignore?



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Just in, the two cowards that hide from pictures to keep their identity secret have been caught on camera. We have a picture of Cheshire Tom and VPI78 together


Awwwww ... is little Princess Randi lonely again. What happened little hobbit? Did your welfare check not get you through the month again? Guess it sucks to be you stuck there in leftyville but hey little munchkin maybe you can go visit an orphanage to cheer up ... Oops, we all know there is no money for that.


What is that all about Princess?

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