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FLB Fantasy Premier League

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With the season ending this weekend,any active posters here participating? I recognize MidlifeCrisis United,Mick from (The Wrath of)Khon Kaen xpats,Hammer of Cherry United fame.

I'll finish mid-table again,my 2nd try at this-all it takes is one bad month and you're toast.But 3rd in head to head,which is actually a crapshoot.And we all know so much depends on choosing your captain each week.I saw a player with a relatively high score that had only made 16 trades all season and we've completed 39 weeks. :rolleyes: .I have overdone trades again this season with 60 or so.


Edited by LTGTR
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LTGTR, I am most humbled by my mid 30s standing. I was in the low 20s my first season and cracked the top 10 my second.


Now I admit I do not follow it the States like I wish I could but I had higher expectations.


This season started out badly. Christiano Ronaldo exited the Premiership and Frank Lampard went down early with an injury. It didn't get better.


But always fun and keeps me aware of sports outside the USA.


I need to keep my freebie massive trade for when the schedule becomes out of kilter.


I agree with you about the captain. I have not done well on that front this year. I wish I knew how to predict that better.

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When I was living in Jomtien,I had UBS which carried all the matches at a decent hour.Here,the early matches come on at 5:45 am,too early for me.Others are aired live at 8 am which is a stretch too.And as closely as I follow soccer,I find it much easier when I can watch 3-4 matches each week.It seems it's much easier if I can watch matches to help in choosing players,even though I know them.

The head to head is difficult.On consecutive weekends,I beat both teams closest to me and then lost to the the bottom feeders-go figure.

I'm returning to the States next month and have already ordered Fox Soccer Channel for my fix.

Hope to see you guys next season.

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I remember you did very well in that little tournament we had in choosing the WC winner.Congrats.



I think i did better this year ,but last 4 weeks been crap

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