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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Cant buy beer at the supermarket in the afternoon?

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The first time I ever ran across this law was down in Phuket. There was a Family Mart a few doors down from my guesthouse and I stopped in to buy a few beers to take back to my room.

No sale, as it was about 3PM. So I went back to the local Irish Pub and had a few pints of Singha on special.

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So you don't have anything to back your claim, why am I not surprised.


And a typical reply to an offer to help.


Do you have to have a copy of the 1971 law in Thailand against serving food between 2 and 5pm, and after midnight? If you have to have it, I'll get it for you, but you have to tell me why you need it. It'll probably take a few hours (including travel time) in the newspaper and/or law office archives. Happy to do it IF you actually need it. There are 8 grillion laws in the Big Mango, and this is one of them.



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