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Hi all, I am coming to Thailand and to Pattaya in about 3 months.  I came across this site (www.pattayathailadies.com) over the net, they are also known as Siam Marriage Agency and are located on 150/61 Pattaya 3rd road. My question is this, does anybody on this board know of this agency? if they do, do they know if it is legitimate, as I want to get help in meeting a Thai lady and bring her to Australia with me and marriage.Any help will be greatly appreciated...thnx...Gio

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Hey Gio ,


You might have a problem finding a Thai girl who can cook spaghetti bolognaise as well as your Mamma  ;D .




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hey derek,

spag bol is shit easy to make.

once a thai girl has made it once or twice, you've got it forever. better than yo momma ever made.

you've got your head up your arse if you think thai girls can't cook.

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Lads ,


In case you didn't know , Gio is of Italian blood . I met him last October and he was telling me how good his Mamma's Italian style cooking was , so that is what I was referring to . I wasn't saying TG's can't cook .


 >:( Derek

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hi gio,

seems no-one here knows much of pattayathailadies.com, but i've just checked their web site.

why pay them $US400 to be introduced to a thai girl.

once you get there, you will be tripping over them.


about bringing one back to australia, like i suggested to someone before, the easy easy way to get one here is a student visa, with working permissions if desired.

it will cost you about $AUS4000 for a years tuition fees, but she can be studying something usefull while you get to know each other.

don't jump into a marriage too quick. there could be a big fall comming. after the visa expires, 1 year, it's a piece of cake to renew it or just don't provide your guarantee of support and she's outta here.


check the immigration website www.immi.gov.au

you can even apply online.

first she must enroll in a cricos approved course though,



good luck gio.

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Hi Adrian and thnx for your response...Student visa you think is the way to go? $4,000 wow a bit of money. And yes I was there last year, and all I met were bar girls, and I did fall for a girl at black and white bar, but that fell through and I am going back there soon, I just asked if this site was legite in order to get some ground work done and meet the "right" girl. Guess I'm g0onna keep on trying..thnx agin

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  • 2 weeks later...

i know nothing of the agency either, but best bet is to find a BG who  speaks fairly good english if you want to  bring one to OZ,i think for a student visa they have to be fairly young,in thier 20,s i guess(i am in melbourne, will be in pattaya around July4-9th)getting them a passport is easy, getting the visa is not so easy,, thats what i will be trying to do on this trip.

I will see how it goes


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