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A couple was celebrating their 25'th anniversary, and the husband said,

"Twenty-five years of being faithful to each other, I am so happy."


Wife: "Well, that isn't exactly accurate. I confess that I have been

unfaithful three times."


Husband: "I am shocked to hear that, who were they?"


Wife: "Remember when you needed that operation and we didn't insurance and

no money, and the doctor wouldn't operate? Well, I convinced the doctor to

operate anyway. That was the first one."


Husband: "Well, I wouldn't be here today without that operation, so I

forgive you. What else?"


Wife: "Remember when you wanted to start the business, and the banker

wouldn't loan you the money because we had bad credit? That was the second



Husband: "Well, without that loan, we would not be wealthy today, so I

forgive that. What was the other one?"


Wife: "Remember when you wanted to be president of the country club and you

needed twenty-three more votes?"

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