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Problems w/Reservatrions @ Eastiny Place Hotel

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I will be coming to Pattaya on 16 Oct - departing 1 or 2 Nov.  I have been attempting to reserve a room via e-mails to the Eastiny Place Hotel.  However, I have not been able to get a reply from them.  I have sent e-mails to all the Eastiny Place Hotels e-mail addresses listed in the hotel info posts so I know I have to be sending at least some of them it to the correct addresses.  It's not that I am not waiting long enough for a reply since I first started this process in early Sep.  Has anyone else had this problem?  Should I fax them my request or just walk in.  I would greatly appreciate any info or help anyone can provide.

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Hi flrogur

Just in case you don't have the correct info (alhough I'm sure you do) here's the Eastiny Place Hotel details I have:

Eastiny Place Hotel

315/2-3 Mu 10

Pattaya Beach Road

Soi 8


Chonburi 20260


Tel: (6638) 427702-5

Fax: (6638) 422999

email: eastiny@ptty.loxinfo.co.th

2nd email: eastinyinn@hotmail.com


Best of luck

Captain C

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I've also not had a respose from them.  In the past (as recently as this July) I would get a reply from them within 24 hours. Let me know if you find out anything, I was hoping to get a room Oct 22.



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same here. i emailed 5 adresses, 2 weeks ago, and i know one of them is correct, because i have a card i picked up last trip. no reply as yet. gave it a fuck it and booked in some place else. its about time they got a web site up and running.

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They would have to be the slackest at answering emails.  Tried emailing them numerous times for my past trips in May and August and 3 emails this week for my trip in November......no response.  Why not try the Sunshine (New Wing) or Flipper Lodge both on Soi 8, you wont be disappointed in either of them and would probably cost less than the Eastiny.


Sunshine Hotel = sunshineptty@yahoo.com

Flipper Lodge = booking@flippergroup.com


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I ended up telephoning them for reeservations in January. Quoted me 850/day. Tried to fax them to confirm but the fax not working/hooked up?

Ended up emailing them requesting confirmation and got a reply in 24 hours. However now they want 900 bhat. Ohwell figure it out when I get there.

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