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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Online 90-days Report... soon

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Less than 2 hours last month to get the email with "Notification 90 days is Approved" :)


Finally, online reporting worked for me, although not anywhere close to getting approved as fast as you experienced.


My 90 day report is due 14 Feb. Made the online application on 2 Feb. Checked every couple of days since then and status always showed pending. Figured I'd have to bite the bullet and make a trip to the office tomorrow, but lucky me, the email just arrived stating "Notification 90 days is Approved".


Side note: When making the online application I kept getting the useless popup error message that my application wasn't accepted. Finally dawned on me that as a Yank I was entering my b'day as mm/dd/yyyy instead of the European format of day first. Once I overcame that mental hurdle all was good and my online report was duly accepted.

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Hi. Today I entered in my [ 15 days - 7 days ] period before reporting limit date so I decided to try the Online Reporting site of Immigration... just to see   1- On the Notification of staying

Hi. I arrived yesterday in my "15 days before due reporting date period" and I choose to make this report online, to test it So: - http://www.immigration.go.th/ - click on "Apply for Notifica

Oops... Here are the screen copies :   Step 1: Personal & Travel forms   Step 2: Visa & Address forms   Step 3: Verification & Submit   Step 4: Acknowledgment !!

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Tried it today using https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn90online/online/tm47/TM47Action.do link using internet explorer and it would not load at all.
I then tried to go to https://www.immigration.go.th/content/online_serivces and clicked on the button for the application and it worked fine after going through the certificate expired warnings and it worked fine.
Will know for sure in a day or so if i receive the approval email.

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Tried it today using https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn90online/online/tm47/TM47Action.do link using internet explorer and it would not load at all.

I then tried to go to https://www.immigration.go.th/content/online_serivces and clicked on the button for the application and it worked fine after going through the certificate expired warnings and it worked fine.

Will know for sure in a day or so if i receive the approval email.


Both links work for me (with the Warning of course), using Edge (as no one should you IE anymore now ;))

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