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I was married to a Thai girl in March and it is legal in England as long as the wedding is a legal Thai one and not just a Buddha wedding.

Nothing has to be done in England such as registering because it is optional for a small charge, but if he wants to bring his wife to England she will have to apply for a spouse settlement visa from the UK embassy in BKK.

In my case the wait for an interview was 2 months and I had to prove that I could support her, had savings, and had somewhere acceptable for her to live with me. There is a lot of form filling and translations to be sorted out. I used the services of an Agent to help with this, although when the embassy found out I had help with this, we were very nearly turned down for so called cheating.


My wife is now here in London, but did not change her name or ID card. Also I have not needed to make it any more official over here, as I personally believe, the least the authorities know the better.

She does have marked on her visa that she is my legal spouse.


Hope this helps, although it is not quite as easy as it sounds. Also the wait and the inhumanity from the embassy is pretty stressful.



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