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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

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Is it wise to allow members to add their own photo's ::)


I've just added one from a free commercial site, which I will change in 24 hours. I'm all for freedom of choice but isn't this asking for problems !!!!!

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Sorry Keffie I don't understand your point?


Members could add their own photos to the old site so where is the difference or danger?


PSP :)

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The thing is about the open part of the site is that you still have to be registered to post.  


Anyone posting unsuitable material on the open site will get banned and can't come back, so hopefully that will keep things in line.


On the old open site I had to read and approve every message (major pain) becuase there was no way of stopping people from posting there.


Of course the members part of this site is only open to "approved people" and will continue its liberal approach to life.

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