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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Difference between E-members and Members?

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E-members have the Enhanced cache detection option turned on to disallow server cacheing of the index pages. It helps to avoid PHP pages being cached by incorrectly set up ISPs.


Flags are available now. See post in the Members Bar.


I'll think about the Pattaya clock. This forum works off GMT and allows members to select an off-set, thus showing local time on post information. I could set up a Pattaya clock if I thought it would be useful.


I don't understand the question about headlines.

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Thank you - flag added.


Pattaya time in the header of every page made me think about what's going on in Pattaya while I was visiting this Board :(


The question about the headlines was just a kind of a pointer to the question in the headline of my post - you answered that already - tnx.


I already got used to the new look-and-feel of the Board - it is pretty good. Thanks for the effort.

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