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United's Financial Problems

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With united ff miles you can route on multiple star allianciance carriers. Ex Sinapore for SFO to HKG thai for HKG to Manila, Thai for Manila BKK, United BKK to Tokyo, Thai for tokyo to sfo. You just can't backtrack i.e. sfo, tokyo, manila, tokyo, bkk, sfo. the back to tokyo from manila is not allowed.


sOnce again Sinapore Biz clas has to be flown to be believed. Outstanding!! makes UAL and THAI's biz class look sick. :o :D

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Very true about the multiple Star Alliance Carries. Just go of the "Ding Wa" with a CSR from the 1k desk. A hitch is you get two stops and any more will be a new award. I play the game to keep 1K Status with UA knowing that at least I've at least 1 year to buzz out their miles. What to do....Stop in HKG, MNL or BKK what to do? BKK and MNL will do for me!


The big talk over at www.flyertalk.com is who is next to go. I expect that the top end of the FF groups from UA will get a cross over. I use the MP CC and they have already said just chose your airline if you want to switch.


God Stuff on that runnig all over South Asia Award!

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