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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

UA 747 has Bird problems in BKK

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pprune are reporting that a United 747 en route to Tokyo injested a bird in one of it's engines during take off.

Fortunately the aircraft had not reached take off speed and was able to abort take off.

Blew a few tyres etc, plus 4 passengers were hurt during the evacuation.

I think the flight was UA 238.

Luckily there were no major injuries, I bet a few pax needed to change their pants though :D

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Yes it was Flight UA 838 from Bangkok to Tokyo Narita. Only 1 tyre blew though. Thankfully everyone is safe. Passengers fly out 24 hrs later, so an extra trip down to Nana for everyone on UA's dime!

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