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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by jonny_two_combs

  1. as cockied as it sounds another name for persia is iran , iran means land of the aryans wonder where they went?
  2. Fuck me where all this water commin ' from then ay? Edward Smith captain of the Titanic
  3. From time to time I hear the story of the suicide jumper who leapt from the 20 fl balcony gust of wind blows him in a few floors below funnily enough when questioned he additted he'd changed his mind as soon as he'd jumped probably an urban legend???
  4. i suppose any distance of 10 meters or more youve reached terminal velocity(no pun intended) and its good night vienna
  5. govmt dept's having a coherent joined up thinking policy with co-operation between immigration and local police? they cant even be bothered to put knifweilding youths in custody
  6. Actually his name wasn't even jesus , it was more like joshua( yeshua) but what would his board name be??
  7. I think iam missing somthing here how do you get 13k tottal p.a from 71k in the pot ? annuity returns are around 6%
  8. I though most people go down the pub , sound of to thier mates who then take the piss out of them, whilst sticking a beer in thier hand thats counselling
  9. looks the business to me, pat look forward to a drop of the black stuff in december you'r obviously a wexford man....... dont disapoint me please
  10. travel lodge notoriouly overbook even pre-paid rooms buyer beware
  11. british passports issued overseas sometimes do not have the same "strengh" as ones issued at home e.g to visit the states we use the visa wiaver system withh a uk issued passport. not so if its issued overseas you'd have to drag your arse down to london for a one on one interview to get a visa from your info though you should be fine with six months left.
  12. wow welcome to the board!! dont tell me they cleaned you out???
  13. sunga long all the musical cords in ma heid fookin a1
  14. this kind of shit you dont need at any time of life, let alone if yourmoving somwat towards retirement if your getting a 24/7 securuty gaurd why not continue to live there and ditch the gun . arrows big chief arrows.... remember the good ole days???
  15. most excellent bit of satire asian culture can have so many perculiarieties.. me,,... i still wonderin why does the japanese flag looks like a used tampon
  16. why not rent your place out in your home country safer bet all round if you ever go back you'll have a roof over your head aswell
  17. yep and it helps if you can turn your self in to a black lesbian one parent jewish family
  18. secretly sell you house and do a runner then you'll have 6 miliion baht the bit about tellin her where your gonna run to escapes me
  19. personally i think after a minimum of 43 years contributions to the state in nh contributions and the same contributing to the econony i think england' s had it pound of flesh outa its senior citizens and no amount of perverbial loaves is gonna equate to expensive medical /home care in your vimmer frame days
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