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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Regyai

  1. as are the fools that perpetuate them
  2. The UK ones were commercially produced plastic ones - from memory they could be manually flipped up or down by the push biker. They were back then basically considered a 'fucking cheek' by most
  3. I remember years ago when they came on the roads in UK Lots of guys I knew always considered them a 'target' and was cause for debate how many they'd hit
  4. Crossed my mind too I seem to recall they were quite draconian towards them in the early days
  5. Definitely pipes of some description in the foreground
  6. WhatsApp Video 2024-10-23 at 07.05.01_7fed6079.mp4
  7. Ironic too as in Nazi Germany they'd have all been exterminated
  8. But everyone's been paid, every nose in the trough has been sated, till it's time to rinse & repeat... the happy merry-go-round keeps turning
  9. Maybe all those "I always tip 100฿" at the massage people are the target customer base
  10. Maybe the idiom "You cant make a silk purse out of a sow's ear" doesn't translate into Thai
  11. Fortunately finding a replacement dopey cow is relatively straight forward
  12. Same every year The pre Songkran trumpeting about great water reserves, followed by the post Songkran drought.
  13. Or that the foam is the conduit for transmission of whatever sh1te is on the ground for ingestion by children
  14. Used to be an annual laugh in the past with a declaration that there was plenty in the reservoirs followed by the post Songkran drought measures
  15. Are you hinting that there might not be enough to soak the sois with in April
  16. Surely this should have culminated with a photo of them all with their noses pressed to their phones in total disinterest.
  17. And deny some chest puffed out gump his accolades for translations
  18. I appreciate that to build a proper drainage (like a proper infrastructure in most other aspects of the city) would really require levelling the place and starting from scratch with some planning/foresight. But what I actually raised... draining BEACH Road into the (adjacent) sea, not really a Herculean feat of engineering.
  19. Beach Road.... Perplexed me for years as to how Thais have such difficulty getting water to go into the sea.
  20. That should only be an issue if you use a hotel that inputs a conflicting TM30 for the overnight. TBH tell them that your passports in the Chinese embassy Bangkok for a visa they book you in and don't (cannot) submit the TM30 Owellian nonsense.
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