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Everything posted by nidnoyham

  1. Whoever you fly with from the UK, the price is going to attract an increased airline tax from George Osbourne. I think it starts early next year ?
  2. These women are just attention seekers. It has worked too.
  3. Jacko, it was a joke about the UK PM travelling QF FFS. Why you had to go into a "Oh He wouldn't do that " mode, is a mystery to me. The LHR departure terminal is irrelevant. T1, T2, T3, T4, T5.... We are talking about code share flights. I think they are a con too, but what is your point ? It was T4 for SYD, when I dropped my daughter off a while ago. I have no idea, or care, what terminal the QF1 leaves SYD, but it could be a BA aircraft..... What is it, that makes expats more pedantic than others ? Is it names beginning with J ? Too much time on your hands ? Sens
  4. At least he would'nt have a pissed off British elector steward, wiping his steak around the bog rim, or putting contact lens solution in his coffee, to give him the shits. If I was a Prime Minister, I would prefer a foreign flight, that is not packed with voters ! Jacko you do seem to take my posts far too seriously. Of course it was not the Occupy LSX plan- it was a joke. Remember them ? Oh and as far as not knowing what I am talking about. From T4 LHR the QF002, departure, is also a BA and IB flight, but only one plane with a roo on the tail. Three into one does go !
  5. Well said old son ! The 1% against the 99% ! How strange the COE of QANTAS seems to come from Ireland, same as BA's little Willie.
  6. OOOh, never heard of code share jacko ? That BA flight might just have a 'roo on the tail.
  7. We used to call it- Queers And Nymphomaniacs Trained As Staff ' It is the Occupy LSX' effort, to keep Cameron deported to Australia.
  8. Not heard of that happening in LOS before. When they start accepting gold instead of cash, the banks won't like it. Bloomberg and Rothschild, will be up in arms. I think that is what Gaddafi was doing for his oil ?
  9. Now if only FROC had taken notice of my O.P. a lot of this could have been avoided. No they listened to joe.
  10. As I said joe. IF you were here....... You were not in Phitchet, when I called these floods the worst in a lifetime, after somebody there told me they were. It didn't stop you telling me they weren't, from hundreds of miles away in Bangkok. Without seeing them for yourself, you made that statement. If you were in Phitchit I am wrong. As you said in a previous post " I haven't got crystal balls......"
  11. What electricity ??? You are turning into joek, making assumptions from afar. Hyde Park is not near the city. Out of sight , out of mind ? If you were here, you would see most tourists fully support the occupation. As the buses go past, more cameras are pointed at the tents, than the cathedral. Even the family of the couple getting married yesterday, were in support of them. A wedding day they won't forget. As one American remarked; We can always go to Westminster Abbey. London has loads of things to see. Access to the church is not impeded at all. It is the dreaded H&S i
  12. Looks like floods, are the same as tits- they eventually go south !
  13. There was an open mike for anyone to comment for 2 minutes. It's called democracy. ! Most comments were about the banks. The reason I posted the above, was because it was relevant to the subject of this thread.
  14. One of the many splinter groups at St Paul's today, was an anti Iran group of young women. One of their posters said - " Full face covering. A sign of female subjugation ! " But the fun started when the Sex Workers rep, (Just because we suck cock for a living) clashed with the Muslim girl, calling for the non exploitation of women in Lap Dancing clubs. St Paul's today, was a very broad church indeed.
  15. I read that some things like bottled water and foodstuff are getting in short supply in Had Yai. I have this Haggis in my freezer, from the reduces section of Tesco- it's yours for the asking. Beef Stew for us today.... if I don't hear from you, it will be Haggis on Wednesday.
  16. Blimey, what's the worst one ?
  17. Good news is, the flooding that I was referring to in my OP, has begun to subside in Phitchit. Motorbike will rule again next week and the boats put away for a while, or sent to BKK.
  18. Lend us a fiver if it hits 50 jacko
  19. So are a significant portion of hard-ons too !
  20. You need waders yet joe ? If it helps, the o/night temperature here has plummeted. Slushy ice on the car today at 0630. As an indication of energy costs here, even the weather man got political last night; " Those of you who have won the lottery, will need to turn your heating up tonight. The rest of us will feel the cold " Imagine wading through that flood water here. Your dick would shrink to 9 inches in no time.
  21. You need waders yet joe ? If it helps, the o/night temperature here has plummeted. Slushy ice on the car today at 0630. As an indication of energy costs here, even the weather man got political last night; " Those of you who have won the lottery, will need to turn your heating up tonight. The rest of us will feel the cold " Imagine wading through that flood water here. Your dick would shrink to 9 inches in no time.
  22. If you missed it Adam, it was no great miss. The Arsenal goalie, Cheyzne, must have thought he was back at Griffin Park in the first half. There was a huge COME ON YOU IRONS flag behind he goal at the opposition end. I watched because it was on ITV. Fulham and Stoke tomorrow ITV4.
  23. I still don't think Martin would encourage a Muslim themed party, as keenly as a Catholic Nun's and Priests one.
  24. Back to my Muslim themed party at FLB. Dress all the girls up in top to toe, Muslim outfits. Take their name tags away and replace them with a number. Bar fine the one you 'fancy' and don't take the gear off until you are back to the hotel. If you get one you don't particularly like, make her keep the top bit on .
  25. Yeah Mick, I was referring more to the Thai/Thai buying and selling thing. Not me and a Thai. Si comes from Phitchit, renown for it's stoic people. A lot of hotel security guards come from Phitchit. I was at a concert there and when the singing stopped, me and si were the only ones to applaud. We got some funny looks. One person on the stage asked if someone had died recently.
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