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Everything posted by nidnoyham

  1. Looks like Stamford Bridge is not such a pushover as Mr's.
  2. Sky Sports were outside Griffin Park yesterday, asking Brentford fans their view of this young goalie. I was one of them. At the end of the interview, the guy held up a notepad with the goalie's name on and each interviewee had to pronounce it, as best we could. Should be a good game at The Bridge today. At least no one is running away with things at the top.
  3. Hi, His name is Wojciech Szczesny. The Late Kickoff TV programme ran an article about him Monday night. ( I wondered what the Cameras were doing a at Ealing Road End last home game. ) The rest of the team call him Chez. I will try and get him to autograph my club flag next week for my birthday.
  4. I just hope the Arsenal Goalie, gets his act together, or Brentford will lose our on loan Polish lad. We have taken to him and he seems to enjoy playing for us. Only 19. with a great future at Arsenal and for Poland- Another Tomelchevski ! I was at Wembley that night, surrounded by Polish supporters. It was 'Orrible.
  5. If you have to book it now from BKK- LHR return in May, it works out over a £1K @ 51bht- GBP. A lonely summer for me and Herb lies ahead this year. On the plus side, money saved, will get the motorbike back on the road. Sex, or a burn up to Brighton and other places ? It's a hard one to call.
  6. Chaps. I was just using a Combi as an example of equipment change. I could have said 747 to Airbus or 777. I wasn't getting all technical.
  7. I'm not worried about football hooliganism. I think the locals, will put football fans well in the shade, when it comes to a bit of violence. I'm sure the media, go to football matches to report any Aggro'. It sells more papers than the result of the game. Very few are interested in the result of a Millwall- West Ham match, but the whole country will watch a punch up between the fans.
  8. With Bill, it was as if he was standing in the crowd, watching and enjoying the game with all the supporters. You could walk away from the T.V to make a cuppa and his commentary was even more enjoyable just to listen to. R.I.P old son.
  9. My daughter and I were offered free accomodation, to attend a wedding in S. Africa during the World Cup. I am still not tempted to go.
  10. LTGTR ! I am sorry for the tone of my reply to your post. You touched a raw nerve with me about the workings of the Airline industry. I spent over 20 years being told by 'Suits' that things I saw in my role in operations were not possible. I have stood next to my manager looking at a baggage tag that had on it, exactly what I told him the day before. ( a Canadian originating conx tag through LHR to GLA, that had an code share AC flight printed on, for the final leg, which should have had a BD flight on ) He stood there looked at it and said " This can't happen !" WT
  11. You must be right of course. What do I know ? You have statistics to work on, all I had was the real world. Like an Indian family, booking their flight with a cousin, who booked them on all 5 flights to Toronto. Or I just just made that up. It never happened. Just thought I would make a statement , so a person with more knowledge, like yourself, could shoot me down in flames. Tony Blair was convinced that Iraq had WMD's too ! Hmm, so you think a system could sort out one family of Ali, Nguyen, Khan, or Singh.... booked on multiple flights ? The passengers mentioned, woul
  12. Airlines allow a 10% no-show for almost every flight. So 10% oversell is normal. As an employee, I have stood by on flights that are fully booked, but still got a seat and some to spare. Even oversold flights have left with space. It is an accepted part of the industry. If it was not good practice ABTA and other travel outfits, would stop it from happening. The traveling public are a fickle lot. Many buy one ticket, but register for several flights. That way, if they change their travel plans, they have a firm booking on more than one flight. This is really useful when transiting.
  13. I hear from an employee, that Thai have an oversale problem this week. People are being offered about £500 Denied Boarding Fee. My mate flies tomorrow.He may take it.
  14. If you use the Travel Lodge in Feltham, there is the 285, 24 hour bus to LHR central, that stops at the train station. The station is a short walk from the hotel. A taxi will be about £10- 15. Alternatively the H25 bus from the station, goes to Hatton Cross Tube. 1 stop from T1-2-3. Forgot to say, bus takes about 20-30-mins from station.
  15. So there can be something worse than your team losing in the first round then ?
  16. As much as I dislike Man. U, when it comes to the FA Cup, their departure means a possible lifeline payday game for a lower division club, has gone. Had Kettering beat Leeds and played at Old Traford, it would have secured their future for years to come. Leeds are one of the richest clubs in our division, they drew a gate of 9000+ in the recent league game at Brentford. (0-0 but a cracking game Vic.) Teams like ours are not going to win the cup, but a big club draw, is like a winning lottery ticket.
  17. As in most cases nowadays, it's hair today- gone tomorrow !
  18. Foreign players and owners seem to lack the passion of the fans. They are there purely for the profit. I remember a quote by a Sky football presenter about a new European player at QPR ; " He looks the part, but I wonder how he will perform at Loftus Road on a cold rainy Tuesday night in January ? " At least our Clubs new prospective owner, is local and a life long fan.
  19. Basically Man.U. are like Villayouth- they tend come from behind ! As for Spain and Italy bagging all the top boys. The players are just going back to where most come from. More room for young British players to establish themselves in the E.P. Could be good for the England squad- with Harry as the Gaffer.
  20. How about a sound and thorough thrashing ? Man.U losing to Burnley ? Laugh- I nearly bought my own beer !
  21. An English manager doing well ? Blimey wacy, you will be suggesting he manages our national side next !
  22. I don't care how much you nonce it all up Wacky, there will only be 1 of the usual 4 who will win. Unless swine flu starts affecting rich, healthy, footballers, or failing that, a restriction of foreign players to 5 per team, the rich will get the pleasure and the poor will get bugger all. It would be interesting to see how a lower division manager would do ,if given the 'war chest' of the Premiership to play with.
  23. I haven't watched this vid', but remember a deer being hit by a car at night and watching steam rise from its spilled guts on the road. We all wonder how we are going to die- well I do. Given the choice of laying in a bed for months with tubes and wires all over my body, or dieing instantly on a motorbike, doing something I enjoy. I would go for the bike option. Preferably on a windy country road in summer, by the sea in Cornwall, Devon, Cumbria, or the highlands of Scotland, along that road by Loch Lomond. In Pattaya, I would pay the extra 80bht to hire a taxi at Mikes, rather t
  24. I didn't, but if there is no profit to be made, what else is there ?
  25. Of course ! As Harry Rednap, pointed out, when Arabs took over Man. City. " The fans don't care where the money comes from. If Sudan Husien bought them out with billions to spend, they would be chanting - There's only one Sudam. There's only one Sudam, one Sudam.... " But the Premiership ? Championship would do me. It is not dominated by a 'Big 4' and has the occasional Bri't playing in it. The managers in the lower divisions, require a different skill, from the big boys. They take average players and get the best from them. Very few Primadonas, just blokes who are glad
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